The First Descendant – White-night Gulch Encrypted Vaults

Encrypted vaults are the standing casket like looking things in the game that you can find by using your ecive (on Playstation it’s the R3 button). They give an audio cue when your descendant scans the world when facing in their direction. The encrypted vaults in White-night Gulch drop Cooling Metallic Foil which is used in the crafting of Afterglow Sword Nano Tube, Gley Enhanced Cells, Ultimate Gley Stabilizer and the Wave of Light Nano Tube. In order to open a vault you’ll need to have looted a Code/Precision Code/Ultra-Precision Code Analyzer. These can be found on enemies in the Call of the Descendant missions in each region. Note that not all encrypted vaults will spawn every time. This list will be updated if I find more. If you find a hologram that’s not on my list and want to leave it in a comment, I’ll add it and credit you. 🙂

The Mountaintops – 7 vaults
Moongrave Basin – 4 vaults
Observatory – 2 vaults
Shipment Base – 7 vaults
Hatchery – 8 vaults

Also, you don’t need to know where the green hologram is to find them, but I’ve included them in the photos below (where i saw one) for help in directions and getting your bearings. Also, if you’ve found a green hologram and can’t find the corresponding vault, that will help you narrow down the vault below.

You can see all vaults that I’ve found so far listed out in the google workbook as well if you just want a basic list with no pictures. See here.

The Mountaintops Encrypted Vaults

I’ve found 7 vaults in the Mountaintops so far.

The First Descendant, Encrypted Vaults, White-night Gulch, The Mountaintops.

1. The first vault in the Mountaintops is amongst the Order’s Patrol Beat battlefield. In the upper area is a cave. If the vault spawned in, it’ll be in there.

The First Descendant, Encrypted Vaults, White-night Gulch, The Mountaintops.

2. The second vault is near the Toxic Void Fragment mission. The hologram is down a ways off the cliff side, but the vault is just over the wall from the void fragment, overlooking the Triumphal Arch battlefield in the distance.

The First Descendant, Encrypted Vaults, White-night Gulch, The Mountaintops.

3. The 3rd vault is one of potentially 3 amongst the Triumphal Arch battlefield area. This first one is behind the rock that the hologram is in front of.

The First Descendant, Encrypted Vaults, White-night Gulch, The Mountaintops.

4. The 4th vault is also amongst the Triumphal Arch battlefield. The hologram is east of the marker on the map. Nothing close has spawned to it yet, but i’ll update if it does.

The First Descendant, Encrypted Vaults, White-night Gulch, The Mountaintops.

5. The 5th vault is in the south end of the Triumphal Arch area and can spawn closer to the Tactical Transporter along the ribbed wall OR around the southeast ledge by the echo.

The First Descendant, Encrypted Vaults, White-night Gulch, The Mountaintops.

6. If the 6th vault spawned, it’ll be in a cave on the path to the Border Line of Truth mission.

The First Descendant, Encrypted Vaults, White-night Gulch, The Mountaintops.

7. The last vault in the Mountaintops is past the Border Line of Truth area, all the way to the south.

The First Descendant, Encrypted Vaults, White-night Gulch, The Mountaintops.


Moongrave Basin Encrypted Vaults

I’ve found 4 encrypted vaults in Moongrave Basin so far.

The First Descendant, Encrypted Vaults, White-night Gulch, Moongrave Basin.

1. The first one is in the caves to the southwest. Find the orange surveillance tower and there’s a cave off to the west.

The First Descendant, Encrypted Vaults, White-night Gulch, Moongrave Basin.

2. The second one is out amongst the rocks. You can see the hologram as you leave the outpost.

The First Descendant, Encrypted Vaults, White-night Gulch, Moongrave Basin.

3. The third one can be found on the east side, down from the waterfall. If the vault spawned, it’ll be in the cave. Note that often times if you’re hearing the ping and this cave is empty, the ping is talking about vault #4 by the waterfall. The caves share a wall. There’s no picture of the vault inside because it’s just too dark.

The First Descendant, Encrypted Vaults, White-night Gulch, Moongrave Basin.

4. This one is in a cave to the right of the waterfall. Just grapple up from the base of the waterfall, don’t try and get behind it. You’ll end up having to go around to the right anyway.

The First Descendant, Encrypted Vaults, White-night Gulch, Moongrave Basin.


Observatory Encrypted Vaults

There are 2 in the Observatory.

The First Descendant, Encrypted Vaults, White-night Gulch, Observatory

1. The first one can be found by the Void Fusion Reactor.

The First Descendant, Encrypted Vaults, White-night Gulch, Observatory

2. The second one can be found in the cave that leads to the Eye of Truth. The hologram is inside the cave by the inner entrance. The vault is to the left of that, up in an upper cave room.

The First Descendant, Encrypted Vaults, White-night Gulch, Observatory


Shipment Base Encrypted Vaults

I’ve found 7 encrypted vault holograms in the Shipment Base area.

The First Descendant, Encrypted Vaults, White-night Gulch, Shipment Base

1. The first one is right near the outpost. Go along the right east border and find the surveillance tower and if it spawned in, the vault will be on a lower ledge.

The First Descendant, Encrypted Vaults, White-night Gulch, Shipment Base

2. The second one is sort of hard to explain. If you go to the Collection mission in the north and look west across the gap, if the vault spawned, you’ll see it on a ledge. To get to it, go to the Fortress Courtyard battlefield area and find the orange surveillance tower.

The First Descendant, Encrypted Vaults, White-night Gulch, Shipment Base

3. The third vault is near the tactical transporter. The hologram is on the little island in front of it and the vault is either above the tactical transporter (picture 2) or across the gap towards the outer wall of the Altar mission area (picture 3).

The First Descendant, Encrypted Vaults, White-night Gulch, Shipment Base

4. The fourth vault can spawn in on the rocks that border the Vulgus Strategic Outpost.

The First Descendant, Encrypted Vaults, White-night Gulch, Shipment Base

5. The 5th vault can spawn inside the Altar battlefield area to the right.

The First Descendant, Encrypted Vaults, White-night Gulch, Shipment Base

6. The sixth one has a hologram by the gazebo near the Fortress Control Facility marker. To find the vault, head over to the east edge and look down.

The First Descendant, Encrypted Vaults, White-night Gulch, Shipment Base

7. The last one has a hologram by the stairs to the Fortress Control Facility. Head up into the facility, turn left, and go up the stairs.

The First Descendant, Encrypted Vaults, White-night Gulch, Shipment Base



So far I’ve found holograms for 8 vaults, but not all vaults have spawned in yet for me. Will update the photos as they do.

The First Descendant, Encrypted Vaults, White-night Gulch, Hatchery

1. Upper Hatchery Mission path. This one is to the left of the mission marker.

The First Descendant, Encrypted Vaults, White-night Gulch, Hatchery

2. The second one is also on the Upper Hatchery mission path. As you enter the cave, but before the stairs, the hologram will be on your left and the vault will be in the cave above and to the left of the hologram.

The First Descendant, Encrypted Vaults, White-night Gulch, Hatchery

3. The third vault is inside the Hatchery, on the upper floor, on the west side. Go up the steps next to the hologram, the ones facing west, and it’s in the back.

The First Descendant, Encrypted Vaults, White-night Gulch, Hatchery

4. The 4th vault is also on the upper floor, inside the hatchery. This one is on the other side, by the platforms that you can use to traverse floors. Southeast side.

The First Descendant, Encrypted Vaults, White-night Gulch, Hatchery

5. The 5th hologram is outside by the Vulgus Strategic Outpost. The vault is in the cave/inside area. Note that inside these rooms shares a wall with the the vault inside the main hatchery on the top floor on the southeast platforms, so if you hear a ping in here and don’t see a vault, you could be pinging on vault #4 instead.

The First Descendant, Encrypted Vaults, White-night Gulch, Hatchery

6. The 6th one is on the lowest level, or the all red level. Take the platforms down in the southeast side and head to the northwest corner. By the surveillance tower, walk to the center edge and look down. Go down 2 more platforms and it’s basically underneath the surveillance tower area.

The First Descendant, Encrypted Vaults, White-night Gulch, Hatchery

7 & 8 – the last 2 holograms that I’ve found are also on the lowest level, but to the northeast instead. There are 2 holograms in this room and one vault in the left room and one in the right.

The First Descendant, Encrypted Vaults, White-night Gulch, Hatchery

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