AC Mirage – Karkh District Collectibles

Gear boxes
Lost books
Enigma pages
Tale of Baghdad


There are 6 pieces of gear in Karkh. Gear has currently proven to be random. Through multiple playthroughs I’ve seen the same weapon in different locations. So don’t worry if you don’t get what is in the video. You should, however, always get a weapon before you get the upgrade schematic for it.

Monastery of the Virgins – open room, ground floor.
Tax Collector’s Mansion – Key is optional, one of the 2nd story inner courtyard doors is open.
The Great Garrison – Get in from the outer wall side on the south.
The Bazaar – You CAN throw a knife through the grated window.
Qasr Salih – Northeast side of the city. Get in from the Round City Wall.
Officer’s Club – break in the wall out front.

Monastery of the Virgins

After getting the synchronization spot, drop down and head into the open room. Move a bookshelf to get into the hidden room.

Tax Collector’s Mansion

The heavy with the key is optional. That key unlocks the door the heavy paths back and forth of. Instead, there is a second floor door in the inner courtyard that is unlocked.

The Great Garrison

For this one, head to the outer city wall on the right and go in that way. Follow the front wall back to the center area that houses the gear and get in by moving shelves and sliding through a hole in the gate.

The Bazaar

This one was hard for me because I tried throwing a knife through the gated wall so many times I truly thought there was another way in. It took a long time to get the right angle for it. Turns out you just need to fuss with it a little more. OR alternatively, you get can it after assassinating the Treasurer, as it’s in her rooms.

Qasr Salih

I got in from the outer wall. Use an oil jar to destroy the roof top.

Officer’s Club

Gear is outside near the water line, but be careful. There are 6 guards in close proximity to it. By the way, the Officer’s Room Key on the balcony above the gear goes to an inside room you can unlock the courtyard.

Lost Books

There is one lost book in Karkh and it’s next door to the Harbor Camp. It’s called the The Banu Musa: Book of Ingenious Devices. Throw a knife through the window to open the other side.

Enigma Pages

There is only one Engima page in Karkh. Solve This Problem Quickly For Me can be found on the Officer’s Club rooftop. The treasure can be found by the building by the silo looking building in the burnt out village northwest of Jarjaraya.

Tale of Baghdad

There is one Tale of Baghdad in Karkh – Leap of the Faithful. Help the kid down from the fast travel spot.