AC Mirage – Round City District Collectibles

Gear boxes
Lost books
Enigma pages
Tale of Baghdad


Shurta Headquarters – On the rooftop.
Residential – Move the shelves so they can be used to jump to the other rooftop. It was my experience that you need to hold the freerunning button before the first climb or he’ll just fall off.
Mazalim Courts – just head up the side of the building.

Shurta Headquarters

I got this one by ascending the southern front. I was unable to move the heavy from his blocking position with any tool – he wouldn’t respond to his co-workers being put to sleep, noisemakers didn’t interest him at all. And while you can just assassinate him, I was doing a pacifist playthrough so i just ended up smoke-bombing him.


I had a really hard time getting Basim to jump from moveable shelf to moveable shelf. No matter what it seemed I did he would climb up on the first one and then just drop down without jumping to the second. If you’re having that problem, try holding the free running button as he’s getting up on the lower box prior to the first shelf. That seemed to help for me.

Mazalim Courts

Just climb up the outer side of the building. If you start on the west side you just have to go straight up. Remember to take at least one knife with you for the window.

Lost Books

There is only one Lost Book in Round City and I haven’t yet been able to find a way to get it. Please check back.

Enigma Pages

There are 2 Enigma Pages in Round City.

Just Rewards
A Gift for You

Just Rewards

The enigma page can be found at the Barsa Gate. The treasure can be found in the southern courtyard of the Shurta Headquarters.

A Gift for You

The enigma page can be found inside a locked apartment west of the Postal Bureau. The treasure can be found in the inner fountain on the west side of the Mazalin Courts. The smaller fountain, not the bigger one.

Tale of Baghdad

There are no Tales of Baghdad in the Round City.