Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora All Data Collector Sites

This page has a map of all 9 Data Collector site locations for the Data Retriever Trophy along with a list of each data collector at each site and a link to a video for each site.

Avatar Frontiers of Pandora AFOP Map of all Data Collector Site Locations.

Kinglor Forest, Droplet Islands

Across the river to the west.

1. One data collector is on the outer side of the rock to the south
2. Go to the top of the rock by the baskets and stuff and look down to the west. You have to be on the turbine side edge though. Basically stand on the vine there.
3. Get back up to the baskets and drop down to the northeast ledge and go left.

Kinglor Forest, Waterway Valley

North of Wetwood Nest Na’vi Camp.

1. East of the turbine on top of the rock, down like one ledge
2. Ground level, west side of the rock bunch
3. North rock, northwest side.

Upper Plains, Mother of Rivers, Daughter’s Pool Island

North of Thinker’s Point, northern shore of Daughter’s Pool.

1. Looking west directly at it, this is up a half level to the right from the central opening.
2. Southside of the rock, just past the first turbine. From the bouncy mushroom, continue around to the right.
3. From two, continue around to the right and go up about half a level.

Upper Plains, Mother of Rivers, Kefehar Falls

South of Thinker’s Point, west of Longing Hand, east of Pneumatic Prospector Charlie.

1. Stand with your back to the big tree and face the rock columns to the east where the terminal is. It’s on the second column to the left. You should be able to see it from there. It’s one level lower than the left turbine.
2. Right, taller pillar. Should be able to see it from where you’re standing.
3. Behind the smallest pillar on the left in the back near the cliff.

Upper Plains, Celebration Valley

Just northeast of Crossed Arches Na’vi camp that is east of the Zakru Falls and Celebration Arches text on the map. There are 3 rock pillars, one north, two south.

1. If you’re on the north one facing south, this is on the east side of the east one about partway down.
2. On the same south/east one, go around to the other south one and jump over. There’s a ledge about halfway down with a cut through in it. It’s on the northside of the cut through.
3. On the north on the north side. You can see it from the ground, it’s about head height.

Clouded Forest, Crimson Great Wood

Where the River of Ancestors meets the River’s Eye.

1. Find the south turbine, it’s above that on the rock.
2. Jump over to the other rock. From the up vine, go west. DON’T GO UP THE VINE, JUST STAND UNDER IT.
3. On the ground, go around the outside to the north and look south.

Clouded Forest, The Cut, southern Stone Sentinels

This is on the northwest side of the southeast Stone Sentinel.

1. Upper turbine, it’s behind that on the same rock. Take the sunflower up.
2. From the terminal, turn right to face the rock set the right turbine is on. Go to the right (south) end of those rocks. It’s behind the two singles at the end.
3. Left of the left turbine, same rock set.

Clouded Forest, The Cut, Stealth River

This is north of Dredger Bravo.

1. Swim through the middle of the rocks from the terminal end to the other. Get out and turn around. Lower ledge of the west rock.
2. Top of the west rock.
3. Top of the east rock.

Clouded Forest, Cascading Stones, Shadowed Cove

South end, just before the turn into Nomad’s River as it goes down to Eywa’s Reach.

1. Top of the Go Up vine.
2. Facing the terminal, go right around the log. It’s between the log tip and the cliffside.
3. Across the river behind a rock.