I have currently found 30 mural locations and 11 story/side quests (with the help of commenters!) that will give you either face or body paint styles or a new color. I’m sure there are more, but this is what I’ve found so far. I will update to add more as I find them. What you find are paint styles, not paint colors. I’ve tried to include an example of each one based on the colors I thought showed it off the best. If you find any that aren’t on the list let me know and I’ll add it! Thanks. 🙂
These can be applied at any Changing Station. At the Kinglor Forest HQ this is down in the cave on the right. In Hometree this is up the ramp and left into the commons. At the Circle, this is in the Council Tent. At the Hollows it’s up the ramp to the right. And at the new HQ, it’s in the central area after it gets its Na’vi Style. Not sure if/where it was at first.
Last updated:
- January 6, 2024 – added Clouded Forest Tangled Heart Body Paint.
- January 7, 2024 – added Kinglor Forest River’s Embrace & Step’s Cradle Council Falls Body Paints – thank you commenters! Also added a Clouded Forest where the River’s Eye meets the River of Ancestors
- January 8 – 12, 2024 – added Story quests and a side quest that gives face, body, and a new color.
- January 16, 2024 – more side quests.
- January 27, 2024 – added map for River’s Embrace body paint. Removed Flight of Memories. It appears I was wrong about that one and I’m in the process of trying to find it. Edit: It’s Tracking the Past.
- January 30, 2024 – added Tracking the Past and another Clouded Forest Mural.
- February 2, 2024 – added two new body paints to Clouded Forest.
- February 9, 2024 – added new body paint to Kinglor Forest – a 2nd Woodsprite Arches
- February 10, 2024 – added 2 new to Clouded Forest – Steps in the Sky & Stealth River, and 1 new one to Upper Plains – Shattered Bridge.
- March 29, 2024 – added one more to Upper Plains.
- April 13, 2024 – added one more to Kinglor Forest.
- May 17, 2024 – added one more to Upper Plains.
- June 5, 2024 – added one more to Upper Plains, Great Tusk.
- June 10, 2024 – added one more to Clouded Forest, Cascade’s End.
- June 27, 2024 – added one more to Upper Plains, Celebration Arches.
Kinglor Forest – 10
Upper Plains – 10
Clouded Forest – 10
Story Quests – 6
Side Quests – 5
Overall Map

Yes, I’m aware that Those Who Guide Us is the same color palette as Last Strike. Not sure why the game does that.

Kinglor Forest
Kinglor Forest Blackwater Basin Body Paint Style
This one can be found with a Tarsyu sapling in a cave across Blackwater Basin from the Over Gentle Water Na’vi Camp.

Kinglor Forest Waterway Valley Body Paint Style
There is a Tarsyu sapling on the east most island in Waterway Valley, south of Wetwood Nest. This is underneath it in the water area.

Kinglor Forest Waterway Valley Body Paint Style #2
There is a second Body Paint in Waterway Valley at the very south. Find the River Delta Station Field Lab and go to a little island just to the southeast.

Kinglor Forest Waterway Valley Body Paint Style #3
Thanks to Eric for this one! Just northwest of Wetwood Nest is the tree with the pale canopy root in it. Just next to that tree is a tall rock to the east that has a mural on top.

Kinglor Forest Woodsprite Arches Cave Body Paint Style
Start at the Fallen Hunter Na’vi camp and head north to the waterfalls under the northern arches. There’s a cave behind the left one. It’s in there.

Kinglor Forest Woodsprite Arches Body Paint #2 Style
This one is thanks to commenter Mel! There is a second body paint at the Woodsprite Arches. Start again at Fallen Hunter, and fly up to the center. You’ll see an area of broken Na’vi pottery. Land your ikran and climb up the Go Up vines to find this mural.

Kinglor Forest Rising Spires Body Paint Style
This was found at the southern Ikran Gear Basket site, south of Scree Station in Rising Spires.

Kinglor Forest River’s Embrace Body Paint Style
Thank you to commenter Sarentu for telling me about this one! You can find this one by completing Sound of Night Part 2 or just finding the cave. Start at River’s Run Camp on the Stepping Stone River and go northeast to the River’s Embrace area. On the map there are 3 large boulders in this area. The Tarsyu sapling is on the left one. This cave is in the middle one and its entrance is to the southeast.

Kinglor Forest Ikran Rookery Face Paint Style
Ikran Rookery. Remember the part where you had to run jump and grab a Go Up vine or you missed and had to go around and try again? Yeah it’s there. Down on the left. I don’t recommend getting this during the ascent because I couldn’t figure a way back onto the path from the mural. Get it after with your ikran.

Kinglor Forest Boundless Range Face Paint Style
This can be found on the highest floating island in the chain. There’s also a Ikran Gear Basket there too.

Upper Plains
Hydro Injector Alpha Bellsprig Body Paint
This is the rock formation that’s east of Hydro Injector Alpha in Eywa’s Reach, west of Weeping Steps. Body paint for the left shoulder.

Upper Plains First Zakru Grasslands Body Paint
This mural can be found underneath the Ikran Gear Basket at the west end of the mountain. I’m including two photos due to the color schemes that I currently have. None of them highlight both stomach and left arm at the same time very well.

Upper Plains Wing Mountain Grasslands Body Paint
This one can be found on the same level as the three Tarsyu Saplings.

Upper Plains, South Wing Mountain, Grasslands Body Paint
Thanks to Eric for this one! On the southeast corner of Wing Mountain (north side) is a cave with this body paint. It’s between Changing Winds Station and Guardian Field Lab. Torso and right arm paint.

Upper Plains, Step’s Cradle, Council Falls Body Paint
Thank you to commenter Torhal for this one! At Council Falls there’s a cave below the Aealian Wind Flute and across the water from the Memory Painting. Start at It’s really hard to see, but it’s on the wall behind the baskets in the cave. It’s very similar to the Wing Mountain body paint, but the shoulder has a slight addition.

Upper Plains Shattered Bridge Body Paint
Thanks to our friends at Kelutral.org for this one! This mural is found by the regular sapling that is west of the Reconnaissance Ancestor Skill by the Shattered Bridge. The mural is east of the regular sapling at the cliffs edge.

Upper Plains Shattered Bridge/Drill Outpost Charlie Grasslands Body Paint
Thanks to commenter Sarah for this one! Just south of Drill Outpost Charlie is a cave. Once you enter, turn right and drop down. The mural will be right there.

Upper Plains Celebration Arches Body Paint
Thanks to Alex for this one! Head to the last broken arch on the east side of arches, just at Zangke River. This is at the base of the arch facing west to Wing Mountain (not Great Tusk).

Upper Plains Weeping Steps Grasslands Face Paint
At the southern end of the Weeping Steps, on the islands above the Council Falls, with the Shattered Bridge and the Great Tusk mountain in the background, is another mural for Grasslands Face Paint. Note that the face paint looks almost identical to The Celebration Mural face paint.

Upper Plains Great Tusk Grasslands Face Paint
Thanks to Different Casey for this one! On the Great Tusk, find the Tarsyu flower and head northwest, staying at the same level. You can run there from the flower.

Clouded Forest
Clouded Forest Stone Sentinels Body Paint
Under the southern Stone Sentinel is a Bellsprig. Across the stream from the Bellsprig is a rock that has this mural. Start at the Perch Na’vi camp and follow the stream northeast into the underside of the Sentinels and it’s on a rock on the left side of the stream. Pretty much across the stream from the way to the Bellsprig.

Clouded Forest Tangled Heart Body Paint
Head up to the Tarsyu sapling at the top of Tangled Heart in Crimson Great Wood and look down to the east. You should see baskets and the mural. The mural should show up under the Na’vi senses as well, but if it doesn’t, it’s just down from the baskets.

Clouded Forest River’s Eye & River of Ancestors Body Paint
On top of the right rock above the Bellsprig. It’s at the very tip. 5/2/2024 tip – comment says this one might be bugged in a latest patch.

Clouded Forest Great Stone Swamp Body Paint
Thank you to commenter Melissa for this one! On one of the floating islands above Dreaming Hermitage in the Great Stone Swamp is body paint. It’s on the higher island to the west from the bellsprig.

Clouded Forest Crying Giant Waterfall Body Paint
Thanks to commenter Amy for this one! At the base of the Crying Giant waterfall is a cave. Find the baskets inside and the mural is on the wall.

Clouded Forest Boulder’s Gap Na’vi Camp Cave Body Paint
Thank you to commenter Vallem for this one! In Cradling Pines at Boulder’s Gap Na’vi camp, if you go east through the pass towards Eywa’s Reach, there will be a cave. This mural is in the cave by the baskets in the upper level.

Clouded Forest Stealth River Body Paint
Thanks to our friends at Kelutral.org for this one! Head southeast down the Stealth River from Meadow’s Edge Field Lab and look for a cave on the left (northeast).

Clouded Forest Cascade’s End Body Paint
Thank you to Sofi and Alex for this one! Start at Cascade’s End Na’vi Camp in Cascading Stones, just east of Crying Giant. There are two bellsprigs by this camp, one to the south and one to the east. You’re going to want to find the one to the south that’s up on the higher hill behind it. It’s just west of an Ikran Basket.

Clouded Forest Resistance HQ Face Paint
Exit the Resistance HQ in Clouded Forest at the top of the stairs

Clouded Forest Steps in the Sky Face Paint
Thanks to our friends at Kelutral.org for this one! If you fly up to the largest, western most floating island in the Steps in the Sky you’ll find this face paint. It’s the face paint style that goes with Tracking the Past, but the coloring by the palette is slightly different.

Story Quests
Complete the following story quests for a new color, new face & body paint style.
Complete Becoming
The first body/face paint that you get is from completing Becoming. It’s called the First Strike Body Paint. Until then, changing body/face/colors will not be an option. When they become available, use a Changing Station to choose what you want.

Complete Eywa’s Blessing
Body paint style. Note the face paint color was chosen b/c it stood out the best. It’s not necessarily the color from the quest.

Complete The Wandering Clan
Complete The Wandering Clan in the Upper Plains to get a new face style, a new body style, and 2 new paint colors. Note the face paint color was chosen b/c it stood out the best. It’s not necessarily the color from the quest.

Complete Call to Battle
Complete Call to Battle in the Upper Plains to get a new face style, a new body style, and a new paint color. Note the face paint color was chosen b/c it stood out the best. It’s not necessarily the color from the quest.

Complete Into the Fog
Complete Into the Fog in Clouded Forest to get a new face style, a new body style, and a new paint color. Note the face paint color was chosen b/c it stood out the best. It’s not necessarily the color from the quest.

Complete Rising Pressure
Complete Rising Pressure in Clouded Forest to get a new face style, a new body style, and a new paint color. Note the face paint color was chosen b/c it stood out the best. It’s not necessarily the color from the quest.

Complete Last Strike
Complete Last Strike in Clouded Forest to get a new face style, a new body style, and a new paint color. Note the face paint color was chosen b/c it stood out the best. It’s not necessarily the color from the quest.

Side Quests
Complete Unsung Hunter
Complete this Kinglor Forest side quest for a new color, face & body style. The face paint style appears to match that of the Boundless Range one. Note the face paint color was chosen b/c it stood out the best. It’s not necessarily the color from the quest.

Complete Gatherer Gone
Complete this Kinglor Forest side quest for a new color, face & body style. Note the face paint color was chosen b/c it stood out the best. It’s not necessarily the color from the quest.

Complete Celebration Mural
Complete this Upper Plains side quest for a new color, face & body style. The face paint looks a LOT like Weeping steps except for right along the forehead. Note the face paint color was chosen b/c it stood out the best. It’s not necessarily the color from the quest.

Complete Uwol’s Shadow
Complete this Clouded Forest side quest for a new color, face & body style. Note the face paint color was chosen b/c it stood out the best. It’s not necessarily the color from the quest. The face paint style looks very similar to what’s found on the mural outside of the Clouded Forest Resistance HQ.

Complete Tracking the Past
Complete Tracking the Past in Clouded Forest for a new color, face & body style. Note the face paint color was chosen b/c it stood out the best. It’s not necessarily the color from the quest.

I found one that’s not on the list, in the Kinglor forest, during Sound of Night -Part 2 side quest. The quest leads you to a cave, the mural is behind your quest objective.
Found and added! Thank you!
Does anyone have a video of the painting in the clouded forest?! The description is very poor and the location on the map is also incorrect.
Which one in the Clouded Forest?
There is a cave at the base of Council Falls, between the two waterfalls, that has another mural. It’s directly below the wind flute. That gives you a grasslands bodypaint.
Found and added! Thank you!
Hi, can’t get one of them in Cloud forest location. The paint under Stone sentinels. Can you help me with it? Can’t find place from photo.
Sure. It’s in the same under area as the Bellsprig. So basically, when you first enter the under area, enter from the south, you go straight and stay on the left of the stream for the mural (use your Na’vi senses to locate the rock), if you cross the stream to the right you can go up and get the Bellsprig.
Hmm… I see two different bellsprings in that area. One near tarsyu flower, other in the cave near river. What bell spring do you mean? If you say about first variant, then I can’t find any water above.
Hi Emmie!
I just wanted to let you know that this guide has really helped me, thank you very much for putting it together! I think you should make a YouTube video! No one has done it. I’ve been searching everywhere for a guide on these Sarentu Murals and there’s nothing about this, anywhere. I think there are many people, like myself, who will really appreciate it! Everyone always goes on YouTube for these things!
Anyway, thanks again! I hope you keep making guides because these are super helpful!
Kind regards,
Thanks! Unfortunately doing a video for all of them will probably be out of date in a week or so as another one gets found, lol. Whereas it’s easier to just update this post with another. If you find one, let me know and I’ll add it. And thanks for the kind words!
Hi, I’m not sure if it is a face/body paint or pattern but after completing the “To Friends Departed” quest where you have to find a shell for Tsu’kiri after his friend died, I went to the Glade of Light in Kinglor forest and Tsu’kiri was there. When I talked to him he thanked me and said to “take this gift and I hope we meet again” but then my game crashed 🙁
When I reloaded I didn’t have anything in my pouch and Tsu’Kiri wasn’t there so I think it might have been a face/body paint or pattern but I’m not 100% since I haven’t been keeping track of which ones I have. Just thought I’d leave it here so you can check it out!
I’ll add it to the list to check. Thanks! I’ll let you know if it turns out to be a style. 🙂
So I checked Friend’s Departed. No body/face paint. Just Tsu’kiri’s Strap Chest Guard Mod.
Good guide! Thanks. Keep me posted if u find more!
I’ll try and remember, but i think it’s pretty solid at this point. And thanks!
I completed flight of memories and I didn’t get the face and body paint. Any idea why?
I’m sorry, I don’t. Did you get Eetu’s Bonded Bracelet Armguard mod and Solandra Basic Harrness for the ikran?
I just did it again on a different file and I didn’t get any body/face paint. I’ll see if i can figure out why. Edit: Confirmed Unsung Hero and Gatherer Gone though. Still don’t know why Flight of Memories didn’t give anything this time.
Ok, i just tried it again and got it off of Tracking the Past in Clouded Forest. Someone on Reddit who was also looking for this one was able to double check it for me and they got it as well. Try Tracking the Past in Clouded Forest.
I found one in the clouded forest the floating islands above Great stone Swamp at the Dreaming Hermitage Na’vi camp the island to the left of bellsprig island. It is taller as well. Below is quest Tracking the Past
Found and added! Thank you!
Clouded Forest Body Paint
In a cave by waterfalls in the Singer’s Falls area of the Stone Cloud Valley.
It is west/southwest of the Stony Glade Station. East of the “S” in “Falls”. Directly north of the Bladewing Trail. The mural will be by the baskets in the cave.
I know I have more but I need to go through a bunch of screenshots. I’m on my 2nd playthrough and I’m sure I’m missing some from my 1st playthrough that aren’t on this list and that I haven’t rediscovered yet.
Awesome! Thanks! I’ll check it on Friday. Edit: Found and added! Thanks. 🙂
There’s one in Clouded Forest which has yet to be added to this list. Just north-east of Boulder’s Cap, in the narrow valley between the two mountains, there is a cave where you can find another body paint, located up on a ledge once you enter the cave.
Found and added! Thanks.
I discovered another location in the Kinglor Forest. Fly to the center of Woodsprite Arches (northwest of the Fallen Hunter Camp), where you’ll find rocks with two vines. Climb up those rocks, and at the summit, you’ll discover the body paint.
Found and added! Thanks!
One more in Upper Plains:
Go to Drill Outpost Charlie and walk/ride downhill into the Pillar Canyon Biome.
Once you get a bit down, head east while sticking to the cliff side on your left for about 200 m, there you’ll find the cave opening (at night some of the grass in front of the opening lights up red/orange)
Head inside.
Once you get to the open part of the cave jump down to the right and turn around.
You’ll find a “Grasslands Bodypaint”.
Hi Sarah, I’m sorry, i can’t find this one. I went north from Drill Outpost Charlie and went right (east) but there’s no cave, even into the Wild Steppe biome. So i turned around and went west and there is a cave on the south side (left), but i’m not seeing a mural in there. Usually they’re by the baskets, but I did what you said and when you enter this cave, there is no down to the right because you enter on the ground floor. Everything is straight ahead or to the left or up. Can you give more detail? Am i in the wrong cave? On the map, it’s directly north of Outpost Charlie and slightly left once you’re amongst the pillars. If i keep going west I run into that RDA spawn. Is it west of them? Feel free to send a screen shot of the location marked on the map to my email – [email protected] that might help. Thanks!
Found, posted, and credited! Thanks 🙂
I found a mural in a cave at the base of the easternmost upper waterfall of Singer’s Falls in the Stone Cloud Valley. The cave is on the left side of the waterfall of you’re facing it.
Just realized you already have this one.
That’s ok! 🙂
There’s a design in a cave along the path from the Plains to the Clouded Forest.
Just up from horizontal miner alpha – follow the riverbed up to the cave.
It’s in between horizontal miner alpha and Boulders Gap.
Yep, that one’s on the clouded forest list – Clouded Forest Boulder’s Gap Na’vi Camp Cave Body Paint. Thanks though! If you see another, let me know!
There is another one at the Great Tusk at the same spot as the Tarsyu flower (towards the west of the flower at the cliffs)
Any chance you can email me a screenshot? I’m flying around the flower now. [email protected]
Hi. I’m having troubled finding the body paint south of resistance HQ by the broken arch. I’ve noticed someone else has had this issue. But I still don’t understand the direcrions. Can you help?
Sure thing! See if this helps – Start at the Perch Na’vi camp and follow the stream northeast into the underside of the Sentinels and it’s on a rock on the left side of the stream. Pretty much across the stream from the way to the Bellsprig. I’ve also updated the entry to include a map view and added this text as well. Thanks!
Just wanted to inform everyone that the Clouded Forest River’s Eye & River of Ancestors Body Paint near the bellsprig by the Den of Solitude camp is currently bugged and miss in g. I started a new game right after one of the recent patches. At first, it wouldn’t let me collect it at all. I tried many times. Then after the last patch, the mural itself disappeared off the rock. Your Na’vi senses can still “see” it though.
Thanks for letting us know! I’ll leave a note on that one.
I can confirm, there is not mural there at the moment.
Thank you!
Still can’t pick this one up. ☹️
The mural is there, but no option to collect it. Been back five times now and restarted multiple times.
Idk. My best guess is maybe you got it already?? They do tend to blend once you get a bunch of them.
There’s a face paint on a rock on the Great Tusk, northwest of the tarsyu. It’s the same pattern as the one you get for completing The Wandering Clan, but the colors of each palette are applied differently.
Can you email me a screen shot? Someone else mentioned on nw of the tarsyu and i was never able to find it and they never responded. Is it the same level as the flower? Above it? Below it?
Nevermind, i found it! Added and credited. Thanks. 🙂
What does Eywa’s Blessing give? I only have the body paint which is shown, not the colour or face paint.
If I remember correctly, it’s a body style. It’s not a paint color. I see I didn’t specify, but since i put in a body shot, i’m going to assume it’s body paint style instead of a face paint style.
There is one more paint in the Clouded Forest. Go the Cascade’s End and fly to the bellsprig, what is on the peak of the mountain. It will be at the very edge of it near with ikrans.
The bellsprig right next to the camp to the east? From the bellsprig, which direction should I look?
Hey, about Unsung Hunter. The facepaint is actually different than the Boundless Range. It is thinner paint, with less “bleeding” of the paint. The eyelashes are also visible , while with Boundless, the eyelashes are painted, and the neck paint is more smudged. Just thought I’d let you know!
Thanks! Sometimes the subtleties can be hard to see. 🙂
I found a body paint rock in the rising spires region of the kinglor forest, I’m not sure if you’ve put it up on the list yet and I’ve missed it but I thought I’d comment anyways in case! I can send you a screenshot 🙂
Sure, email it to me! I do have one in Rising Spires. It’s up above Scree Station. Pls include a screenshot of the map location too. I often go left when people want me to go right, haha.
I think I have found a new one in the Upper Plains, at the bottom of the broken stone bridge north of Crossed Arches Na’vi Camp.
I have sent you screenshots in an email bcs it is tricky for me to explain the exact location ;D
Posted and credited! Thanks Alex 🙂
Where’s the face paint which the Sarentu has on the front cover? That’s pretty cool
I don’t think anyone ever found that one. Sorry.
Bit off topic but has anyone found how to get to the Navi that must be in a cave by the location of the body paint Just northwest of Wetwood Nest (by shadow hollow on the edge of spinner circle) … i can see their forms in the cliffside using navi senses but cant figure out how to get to them 😳
I took a look around that area but didn’t see any Na’vi in the cliffside. If you want to email me a screenshot of it and the map location I can look tomorrow.
Thanks! Have just emailed 🙏
Ok, i found what you were seeing but i have no answers for you. I did make a video of it though in case anyone else stumbles onto it and wants to try and solve it. 🙂 It’s unlisted on the channel, but this link should take you to it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQcWcVPYS7w
Thanks! It’s reassuring to know someone else can see them & I’m not missing something obvious! 😂 poor lil Navi glitchers 😂