In order to complete the Telescope Puzzle you need to have gotten the Barlow Lens from Jeremy’s Steamer Trunk, which is done after you return from the Graveyard.
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Check out the Archive Page for a quick and dirty clean list of all posts. Might be easier to find stuff.
Alone in the Dark – Graveyard Medallion Positions
This post just shows the position of each of the medallions in the three locations in which they are used.

Alone in the Dark – Boiler Room Puzzle
In order to be able to complete the Boiler Room puzzle you need to have completed Cassandra’s Medicine Bottle Puzzle first to get the Broken Plate piece from her room and the Cellar key from the Drawing Room.
read moreAlone in the Dark – Cassandra’s Medicine Bottle Puzzle Solution
In order to complete the puzzles in Cassandra’s Room, you need to have gotten the Medicine Box Key from the Grand Parlor and unlocked the Medicine Box in Lottie’s Room (Orderly room on the map). That will give you Dr. Jenkins Lozenges.
read moreAlone in the Dark – Astronomical Clock Puzzle Solution
In order to solve the Astronomical Clock Puzzle you need to first have gotten the two missing plates. One can be found by flooding the Kitchen Garden well after having gotten the bolt cutters, and the second is found in Elisabetta Perosi’s Room.
read moreAlone in the Dark – Elisabetta Perosi’s Room #6 Solutions and Explanations
This post shows how to solve the puzzles in room 6 in order to get a Broken Plate piece needed for the Astronomical Clock. First, you need to have gotten the key to the room from the Clerk’s Office downstairs. If you just want the answer, use her journal to get the Pisces, Libra, and Taurus symbols.
read moreAlone in the Dark – All Conversations
This google workbook has a list of all of the conversations for each character for the Chatterbox Trophy, which chapter they can be found in, where they take place, who they’re with, and what they’re about.
Alone in the Dark – Trophy list and notes
This google workbook includes a trophy list tab and is presented in table format so it’s easy to copy and paste and add your own notes to. It seems some trophies are glitched (at least on PS5).
Alone in the Dark – Lagniappes Sets
For a complete list of the Lagniappe sets for the Look at all the Free Stuff I Got! Trophy in Alone in the Dark, please check out the Google Workbook. They’re listed by set, what chapter they’re found in, and where, as well as if they are specific to Edward or Emily.
Alone in the Dark – Are You Lost? Google Workbook
Are you lost and not sure which direction/room to check out next? Use the Resources tab in the Google Workbook to know what room to visit next. The resources tab contains the route for both characters, along with all the clues, lagniappes, and other key items you find along the way. Use it when you get lost.
Alone in the Dark (2024) Google Workbook
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