Text and video walkthroughs for missions from Day 3.
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Under the Waves – Day 2
Text and video walkthroughs for missions from Day 2.
read moreRE4R Request: Chapter 15 Medallions #6
In Chapter 15, there are 5 medallions to shoot before you enter the Specimen Storage building for 5 Spinel. Note that once you go through the first wheel door inside, you cannot come back out here. And if you miss #1 in the tower, you can’t see it from the Sanctuary side. I tried :/ 🙂
- Top of the belltower – Look above Speciman Storage – you cannot see this one from the other side if you miss it!!!
- Left of Specimen Storage – Stop at the scaffolding and look up. It’s below the fire on the roof.
- Behind the ladder that goes down – Stand by the ladder that goes down and look behind it to the right.
- Lower Cliffside – Go down the ladder, through the tunnel and out and look down the way and slightly up. It’s hanging from a ruin.
- Lower Cliffside – Stand basically under #4 and look out towards the water. Check the map to make sure you’re facing the right direction.
RE4R Request: Chapter 14 Medallions #5
In Chapter 14, Cargo Depot, there are 5 Medallions at the start of the chapter. You can get 5 Spinels for shooting them down.
- East – Stand at the top of the stairs and look down into the area to the east that is on the other side of the fence. You can also see it from the barbed wire fence.
- Above the entrance door – Enter the Cargo Depot, walk to the stairs, turn around and look above the door a couple of stories.
- Northwest corner – After dropping down the ladder into the west half, go to the west side, turn around and look back east.
- South – From the northwest corner, head south to the middle. It’s on the east side of the two containers in that area.
- Southwest – In the southwest corner, look up. It’s hanging from one of the levels on a taller thing to the south.
RE4R Puzzle: Clockwork Catellan Windup Locations
There are 16 Clockwork guys in the game. Finding and shooting them all will get you the Revolution Wind-Up – Destroy all Clockwork Castellans Trophy.
- Chapter 1 – Lakeside Settlement – Southwestern house. You can get this in either chapter 1 or when you return in chapter 4.
- Chapter 2 – Village Chief’s House – Go through the Emblem door at the Abandoned Factory, up the stairs, building on the left. This is the same building as the note asking you to destroy them.
- Chapter 3 – Merchant HQ – In the Quarry area, it’s on the Merchant dock. Stand on the covered area and look on the top of the crates.
- Chapter 4 – Lakeside Settlement – You need the Insignia Key for this one which is why you can’t get it in chapter 1. In the Forest Altar, it’s behind the gate up in the yard. Go to the back gate and look through.
- Chapter 5 – Village Chief’s Manor – In the attic on the left behind the left crate. You need a partner for this which is why you can’t get this one in chapter 2.
- Chapter 6 – Entry into Checkpoint – Just before the gate into the larger east area, look right at a bonfire.
- Chapter 7 – Castle Treasury – First upstairs room after climbing up from the dungeon. He’s on a top shelf in the middle of the room.
- Chapter 8 – Battlement #1 – Go to #2, up to the top level and then backtrack. Take the outside ladder up to the top of #1.
- Chapter 9 – Courtyard Under the NW stairs – There’s first aid spray on the table, then this is to the right by the pallet.
- Chapter 10 – Depths Tunnels – Tunnel grate across from the merchant.
- Chapter 11 – Stopover – Just after the first cart ride there’s a room upstairs. This guy is on the top of the south wall where there’s no ceiling.
- Chapter 12 – Clock Tower – He’s on the entrance level, back on the left.
- Chapter 13 – Inside above the Wharf – When you get to the wharf, go in, up the ladder, up the ramp, and in the new area and it’s down east of the treasure chest, under the left side of the 18 wheeler.
- Chapter 14 – Above the campsite – From the Amber storeroom, go right in the tunnels and then into the office area. He’s on the lockers.
- Chapter 15 – Specimen Storage – Room north of the first wheel room. He’s in the rafters.
- Chapter 16 – Escape Sequence – After Saddler, when you’re inside noting all of the enemies dying you’ll see a small bulldozer. He’s above that to the left.
RE4R Request: Chapter 12 The Disgrace of the Salazar Family
At the start of Chapter 12 you’re back upstairs. There is a notice to Disgrace the Salazar Family on the wall by the Gondola that you ride to the Clock Tower.
The Merchant asks you to throw something at the Portrait of Ramon found in the Throne room. When you get there, you’ll notice there are now chickens running around and at least one of them was good enough to lay an egg for you. Throw an egg at his portrait to complete the request. You can find it to the left of the throne.
Continue reading RE4R Request: Chapter 12 The Disgrace of the Salazar FamilyRE4R Request: Chapter 12 Jewel Thief
At the start of Chapter 12 you’re back upstairs. There is a notice to catch a Jewel Thief on the wall by the Gondola that you ride to the Clock Tower. The Merchant is asking you to track down a missing Scratched Emerald in the courtyard.
Head back to the courtyard and a crow will lead you west back towards the Merchant area that was by the Wine Cellar. The nest is on the roof just before that Merchant location. It’s not actually in the Courtyard. That’s just where you first see the crow.
The wall down from the Merchant holds two requests. This one and The Disgrace of the Salazar Family one.

RE4R Request: Chapter 9 Pest Control
In Chapter 9, there is a notice outside of the Dining Room asking you to take care of 3 different rats for the Merchant. Two of them can be found during chapter 9, but the last one cannot be gotten until chapter 10, when Leon can go into the areas that Ashley opened.
- Dining Room – When you first enter, it’s running around between the Grand Hall and the actual dining area.
- Armory Exit – The hallway after the fight. It’s just after the cubic device treasure chest.
- Animal head hallway – West of the library. You first come here as Ashley.

RE4R Request: Chapter 9 Medallions #4
The Grand Hall area has 6 different medallions you can shoot down for 5 Spinels. The flier for this request can be found in the Merchant’s room on a table.
- Entryway – Above the right cabinet when you enter the Grand Hall.
- Chandelier – Head upstairs on the north side and look at the chandelier.
- Behind statue – Go stand behind the statue and look up.
- Dining Room – Behind one of the curtains in the back right .
- Upstairs Armory – South side, behind a chair.
- Gallery – On the ground floor, head to the goat head area and turn around and look back at the entryway.

RE4R Trophy List
This is a table list of all Resident Evil 4 Remake Trophies, presented in table format so that it’s easy to copy and paste to your own notes.
Cuz Boredom Kills Me | Obtain all trophies. |
Knife Basics | Parry an enemy with the knife. |
My Preferred Place | Upgrade a weapon. |
A Masterpiece | Get the exclusive upgrade for a weapon. |
Nice One, Stranger! | Complete a request for the Merchant. |
Talk About Near-Death Experience! | Rescue Ashley as she’s being carried away by the enemy. |
Revolt Against the Revolting | Destroy a Clockwork Castellan. |
Harpoon Hurler | Defeat Del Lago. |
Grilled Big Cheese | Defeat Bitores Méndez. |
Wave Goodbye, Right Hand | Defeat the Verdugo. |
No Thanks, Bro! | Defeat Ramón Salazar. |
You Used to Be a Good Guy | Defeat Jack Krauser. |
You’re Small Time! | Defeat Osmund Saddler. |
Shield Your Eyes | Defeat 3 enemies at once with a flash grenade. |
Never Heard It Coming | Defeat a Garrador using only knives. |
Two Bugs, One Stone | Kill 3 parasites inside a Regenerator with a single bullet. |
You Talk Too Much! | Throw a grenade into Ramón Salazar’s mouth. |
Overkill | Use a cannon to defeat a zealot. |
Hope You Like Thrill Rides! | Make it through both minecart sections in the underground tunnel without taking damage. |
Capacity Compliance | Reach the top of the clock tower without the lift stopping once. |
Smooth Escape | Escape on the water scooter without taking any damage. |
Astute Appraiser | Sell a single treasure for at least 100,000 ptas. |
Bandit | Obtain all treasures indicated on the Village treasure map in a single playthrough. |
Raider | Obtain all treasures indicated on the Castle treasure map in a single playthrough. |
Burglar | Obtain all treasures indicated on the Island treasure map in a single playthrough. |
Gun Fanatic | Obtain all weapons. |
Jack of All Trades | Complete all requests from the Merchant. |
Revolution Wind-Up | Destroy all Clockwork Castellans. |
Promising Agent | Complete the main story on Standard mode or higher. |
Mission Accomplished S+ | Complete the main story on Standard mode with an S+ rank. |
Proficient Agent | Complete the main story on Hardcore mode or higher. |
S+ Rank Investigator | Complete the main story on Hardcore mode with an S+ rank. |
Peerless Agent | Complete the main story on Professional mode with an S+ rank. |
Sprinter | Complete the main story within 8 hours. |
Frugalist | Complete the main story without using a recovery item. |
Minimalist | Complete the main story using only knives and handguns [Including specific battles]. |
Silent Stranger | Complete the main story without talking to the Merchant once. |
Amateur Shooter | Complete a game at the shooting range. |
Real Deadeye | Earn an S-rank in all games at the shooting range. |
Trick Shot | Shoot through and destroy 5 targets at the shooting range with a single shot. |