Encrypted vaults are the standing casket like looking things in the game that you can find by using your ecive (on Playstation it’s the R3 button). They give an audio cue when your descendant scans the world when facing in their direction. The encrypted vaults in Agna Desert drop Mixed Energy Residue which is used in the crafting of crystallization catalysts. In order to open a vault you’ll need to have looted a Code/Precision Code/Ultra-Precision Code Analyzer. These can be found on enemies in the Call of the Descendant missions in each region. Note that not all encrypted vaults will spawn every time. This list will be updated if I find more. If you find a hologram that’s not on my list and want to leave it in a comment, I’ll add it and credit you. 🙂
Vermilion Waste – 4 vaults
The Remnant – 5 vaults
The Storage – 3 vaults
The Mining Site – 3 vaults
Miragestone – 3 vaults