Tales from Candleforth – Barn Canvas Puzzle

When you reach chapter 2, one of the puzzles you will solve is the painting canvas downstairs. First you’ll need to find the 3 missing pieces.

  • Big Fragment – this piece can be found upstairs in the moth box on the table.
  • Worn Out Fragment – this piece is amongst the pumpkins in the fields.
  • Wrinkled Fragment from the well – this piece can be found in the bucket by the well.

Video of this puzzle can be seen here: Barn Canvas Puzzle on Youtube

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Tales from Candleforth – Sewing Room Box Puzzle

In order to complete Chapter 1 and leave the house, you need to enter the correct symbols into the box in the Sewing Room.

  • Cauldron – if you look in the cauldron, you’ll see the stick pin symbol.
  • Moth – get this one from the white moth in the Chrysalis frame after solving the cocoon puzzle
  • Vine below – this is the vine puzzle on the front of this same cabinet.
  • Bird – get this one from the tree puzzle.
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Tales from Candleforth – Cocoon & Book Puzzles (Black Witch Seed)

Once you complete the Opera Singer Puzzle, you’re ready to get the first ingredient – the Black Witch Seed. In order to do that you need to complete the Cocoon puzzle in the Sewing Room along with the Book Puzzle in the Apothecary Room.

Video of the puzzle can be seen here: Cocoon and Book Puzzle on Youtube

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Tales from Candleforth – Opera Singer Puzzle

Once you’ve solved the Tree & Music Box puzzle, the 5 Bottle Puzzle, and the Vine puzzle, you will be able to remove more pieces from the mirror by the front door. Click on those and you’ll be in the audience of an opera singer.

You’ll be required to move 4 props into position. Use the left rope by dragging/holding it up or down to move the prop piece left or right. Sometimes you’ll need to hold the rope up to get the prop to come out from the stage wings.

Use the right rope, by dragging it up or down, to move the prop piece up or down.

Video of the puzzle can be seen here: Opera Singer Puzzle on Youtube

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Tales from Candleforth – Tree & Music Box Puzzles

In chapter 1 of the game, the player needs to remove 3 more pieces from the mirror by the front door in order to advance. The tree pictures and music box puzzles will give the player one of those pieces.

Video of the Tree Picture puzzle can be seen here: Tree Puzzle on Youtube
Video of the Music Box puzzle can seen here: Music Box Puzzle on Youtube

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Tales from Candleforth – 5 Bottle Puzzle & Simple Alchemy Trophy

This is one of the puzzles that needs to be completed in Chapter 1 in order to remove another piece of the mirror by the front door. It can found in the office cabinet. But first you have to get it open. If you complete the 5 Bottle Puzzle on the first try, you can get the Simple Alchemy Trophy as well.

Note that in order to complete this puzzle you’ll need the bottle found in the music box.

Video of the puzzle can be seen here: 5 Bottle Puzzle on Youtube

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Tales from Candleforth – Prologue Moth Puzzle and Astronomy Trophy

In the prologue, you collect 4 moths to help Grandma get out of the house. This is the puzzle that puts them in their slots. If you complete the puzzle correctly the first time, you’ll get the Astronomy Trophy. If you don’t do it right the first time, you can always reload the chapter and try again.

Video of the puzzle can be seen here: Prologue Moth Puzzle and Astronomy Trophy on Youtube

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Tales from Candleforth – Baby Flower Puzzle Solution

This post is going to explain how to solve the Prologue puzzle of the baby and the flowers. The goal is to get all of the flowers blooming at one time. The yellow flowers bloom during the sun, the brown flowers bloom at night. You can use the clouds to shade blooming flowers to keep them from wilting when they’re in the time they don’t like.

Video of the puzzle can be seen here: Baby Flower Puzzle on Youtube

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Tales from Candleforth – Braided Hair Music Puzzle Solution

During the prologue, you’ll be tracking down moths to get Grandma out of the house. The braided hair music puzzle is one of them. You can also get the Meticulous Hairdresser trophy here as well by cutting off the 6 errant hairs, one on each braid. In the picture, one example is circled in blue.

Video of the puzzle can be seen here: Braided Hair Music Puzzle on Youtube

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