Tales from Candleforth – Waist Linking Puzzle

During the Night at the Barn chapter, you’ll need to link Sarah and Grandma together through their eyes, arm sleeves, and waist. This is the Waist Linking Puzzle. In Grandma’s Waist are four moons. Find the order to pull them so that they light up the 1, 2, 3, and 4 slashes. That’s the order you need to use for Sarah’s Sun puzzle in her waist.

Video for this puzzle can be seen her: Sarah & Grandma Waist Linking Puzzle on Youtube

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Tales from Candleforth – Arm Sleeve Linking Puzzle

During the Night at the Barn chapter, you’ll need to link Sarah and Grandma together through their eyes, arm sleeves, and waist. This is the Arm Sleeve Linking Puzzle. The goal is to take the symbols you see in the tear in Sarah’s Arm and align the same symbols in Grandma’s arm.

Video for this puzzle can be seen here: Sarah & Grandma Sleeve Linking Puzzle on Youtube

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Tales from Candleforth – Eye Linking Puzzle

During the Night at the Barn chapter, you’ll need to link Sarah and Grandma together through their eyes, arm sleeves, and waist. This is the Eye Linking Puzzle. The goal is see what’s in Grandma’s eyes and then in Sarah’s eyes, highlight the same thing.

Video for this puzzle can be seen here: Sarah & Grandma Eye Linking Puzzle

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Tales from Candleforth – Fishing Puzzle

During the waxing moon, take the Creepy Bait you got from the Eyeball Puzzle and go fishing. You’ll catch three different things. And to know how to line them up against their respective trees, you need to have completed the Rock Puzzle as well. Completing this puzzle will get you the pocket watch, which will get you another piece of mirror needed to finish The Forest chapter.

Video of this puzzle can be seen here: Fishing Puzzle on Youtube

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Tales from Candleforth – Doll Puzzle Solution

During the waxing moon (left one) there’s a doll puzzle. You need to have completed the Coffin Puzzle to get the missing doll to complete this. The goal is to not only line up the style of clothing that matches the doll next to it, you’ll need to line up the hair ribbons as well. So while there are multiple clothing only solutions, there’s only one clothing + hair ribbon solution that I’m aware of. Completing this puzzle will get you another piece of the mirror you need to escape the forest.

Video for this puzzle can be seen here: Doll Puzzle on Youtube

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Tales from Candleforth – Rock Puzzle

During the waning moon, if you go left, you’ll be in the yard of the mausoleum. There are 3 rocks there with designs in them. The goal is to swap around pieces as necessary and then turn the rings, so that the scratch marks all line up. The scratch marks that are visible when the puzzle is completed is used during a fishing puzzle during the waxing moon.

Video of this puzzle can be seen here: Rock Puzzle on Youtube

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Tales from Candleforth – Coffin Puzzle

In The Forest chapter, during the waning moon (the one on the right), if you go right from start you’ll see a coffin. The goal here is to fit all of the body parts back into the coffin without any overlap in the grid squares. There are multiple solutions to this one, so it’s not necessary to put them in the same spots they are in the picture.

Video of this puzzle can be seen here: Coffin Puzzle on Youtube

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Tales from Candleforth – Mirror Maze Puzzle

In The Forest chapter, in the starting Full Moon settings, go left to find the Mirror Maze. This puzzle will give you one of the broken mirror pieces you need to complete the chapter and get the Dryad Stick. The goal is to click on the correct mirror to advance to the next choice. Clicking on the wrong mirror will start you back at start.

Video of this puzzle can be seen here: Mirror Maze Puzzle on Youtube

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