Harold Halibut – All Gossip Topics (Busybody Trophy)

This post lists all of the gossip topics and chapters for the Busybody Trophy. In order to get this trophy you need to listen to Alon and Zim chat in Gertrude’s Bierzone Bar in the Agora Arcade.

If you missed any of them the first time through you can reload an autosave to go there again without replaying the entire game. Unfortunately, I got the trophy on the first playthrough, so I don’t know if you can get them across playthroughs or if you’ll have to get the one you missed and continue forward to get all of the later ones as well. If you know, please leave a comment so it can help others. 🙂

Chapter 1

There are 3 you can listen to in Chapter 1. Each one is dependent upon an event happening beforehand.

  1. New Announcement – First time you arrive here in chapter 1.3.
  2. Filter Frankie – Coming back a second time to check in with Tommy. This can be chapter 1.3.
  3. The Leak- After the audio leak from earth. This is chapter 1.4.

Chapter 2

There’s only 1 conversation to overhear in chapter 2.4.

  1. Relaunch Presentation – After the relaunch presentation given at the start of day 18,262. You can stop in on your way to talk to Rafi for help.

Chapter 4

Sunny doesn’t set up to sell cupcakes until Chapter 4.2.

  1. Sunny’s Cupcakes – In chapter 4.2
  2. Exchange Business & Trouble in All Water – In chapter 4.3. Seems to be two different topics for this one, but they come at the same time.