Harold Halibut – Notebook Entries (Forschergeist Trophy)

This post has pictures and a link to a google workbook that has all of the Notebook Entries for the Forschergeist trophy that I’ve currently found. I do have the update, but i still do not have the trophy, so I cannot say with 100% certainty that this list will get you the trophy, but from what I know, there are 71 entries, and there are 71 here, so it should work.

Harold Halibut – Notebook Entries

Below are pictures of the ones I’ve collected. Note they are separated by chapter, but more than a few can be gotten at different times, so scan the other lists too. You can compare them against your notebook and look up the ones I have that you don’t in the google workbook to find out where to get them from.

Chapter 1 – 20
Chapter 2 – 14
Chapter 3 – 10
Chapter 4 – 15
Chapter 5 – 1
Chapter 6 – 6
Epilogue – 5

Chapter 1

Thank you to Daragh & Ed / AchievementSquad for The 1.3 Stranger Danger entry!

Harold Halibut Notebook Pictures Chapter 1.

Chapter 2

Harold Halibut Notebook Pictures Chapter 2.

Chapter 3

Harold Halibut Notebook Pictures Chapter 3.

Chapter 4

Thanks to both Daragh & Ed / AchievementSquad and ShailRaveN for the Coffee one in 4.2!

Harold Halibut Notebook Pictures Chapter 4.

Chapter 5

Harold Halibut Notebook Pictures Chapter 5.

Chapter 6

Harold Halibut Notebook Pictures Chapter 6.


Harold Halibut Notebook Pictures Epilogue

34 thoughts on “Harold Halibut – Notebook Entries (Forschergeist Trophy)”

  1. I think mine match (although they’re a different order to match my playthrough) except I have one more.
    In Chapter 1, I have what I’d call a ‘Missing Brother’ entry for the brothers, which looks like 4 frames; 3x brothers and a question mark for the fourth.
    It’s before my ‘Countdown’ entry.

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQcsDq5IlLM

    In this video I capture the process for Exchanger Arranger trophy.

    and I believe there’s also one more notebook entry that you are missing for talking to two Fulmylym drinking Coffee at right shop on upper level in Agora District. It is part of this trophy.

      1. In chapter 1.3 – Talk to secretary 17 (at the entrance of Agora District).
        Then talk to Secretary 8 (Central station) and go on to talk to Secretary 24 (All Water district).

        Then come back again to talk to secretary 17 (Agora district) – (I believe you missed this part) – that should give you that doodle with ‘?’ for 4th brother’s place.

    1. The link for Exchanger Arranger trophy also contains one for doodle missing in your list.

      Central Station – Interact with Two Flumylym watching the map.

      Add that also in your list please.

      1. Just found that one on my own b/c i was following your Exchanger list! haha. The google workbook list is updated, but the post won’t be updated until later tonight.

        1. Good good!
          are you still looking for more doodles (playing the game), because that’s all I found. If first/last 2 pages are supposed to be blank then there are 4 more doodles.

          Hoping that you get your list complete.

          1. The google workbook list is up-to-date with what i have and being updated in real time as i’m playing through right now trying to find missing ones and other stuff. So that’s the best list to check and see if what you have and what i have match. I take it you don’t have the trophy yet?

    1. I think that looks like coco. I wonder if there’s a page for not catching coco…. I know what i’m doing this morning.. haha 🙂

      1. That is what I was thinking so I tried to Interact with Coco and also tried to go there later when Zoya is out contemplating but Coco was not there.

        I can’t think of anyone else who even talked about birds.

        1. I just checked Zoya’s cockpit while he was out, but she wasn’t there. But it’s also 2.2, so she hasn’t been caught yet. Is there a time after 2.4 when Coco was caught and Zoya is out of his cockpit? I feel like it’s a picture of her eating and on a perch. Seems like it would be the cockpit area…. Never see her anywhere else.

          1. No other that in 2.2, never seen Zoya out of his room, as far as I know.

            I was thinking that it should be close to that graffiti doodle on the left since they appear that way in game, but I could be wrong.

          2. I was thinking that too, but i was also thinking that the graffiti could mean nothing since marketing might have just grabbed two pictures they liked. I’m going to try and work around the graffiti first, but i’ll also branch out just in case. Good luck on your end!

    2. Hmmm….ok you can’t not catch coco. Once you run into her in the hall, you can’t go downstairs to cyrus, you can’t leave through the tube, and once you enter the lab it sort of forces you around to catch her. Hmmm…..

  3. I just spent 6 hours picking apart chapters one and two. My fear is that after I do the same for the rest I’ll be so sick of this game I’ll never want to play it again XD

    1. I spent 3hours on chapter 2 yesterday interacting with every single person everywhere after every single tiny task change. Get up, talk to everyone, check on fishy, talk to everyone, watch the announcements & get the bathroom message, talk to everyone, go to the bathroom, talk to everyone, ask about the camera, talk to everyone, get the camera, talk to everyone, lol. Longest 3 hours of my life lately! I applaud you for doing 2 chapters in one day! hahaaha

  4. Yeah its not ideal. Glad the devs have spoken finally but we still don’t know the actual number we are working towards. Only thing I saw that was of vague interest was that Felix and Liis were together in the central station. Sat down. But they could not be interacted with.

  5. What is the weirdest thing you have attempted so far? Or do you have any suspicions for what some may be? I thought that I may get different exchanges if I wore the scarf or while I carried the box XD

    1. With the box when you move Cyrus downstairs, you can’t leave the lab level. They won’t let you into the tube. So not much on that one. Beyond that what I’ve checked on isn’t really weird… just time consuming, lol.

        1. Hahaha! Ok, i watched a blank screen for 10 minutes in chapter 6 (lounge tv goes black in chapter 6) on my first playthrough hoping the tv trophy would pop. It did! Tbf, i was off making dinner, so i didn’t really “watch” it, but still.

  6. Played the game again from a new save > missing three pages, must be glitched. Think we only have a chance of completing the platinum when they ever gonna patch it. Really hate this game now… a delete for now….

  7. The patch is live for those still needing the achievement! This is a wonderful guide. There are 71 pages in total.

      1. If you already have all the pages ( I’m pretty sure you do) You just have to play it from the epilogue load out and gather the pages in the last section to get it. I’m glad the wait is over! Lol

  8. Confirmed you only need to play the epilogue. TO GET PLAT.
    Get all pages there, the main levels. Don’t go to the creature and plat should pop after Brenna AW. Finally done with this.

    1. I’m sure that works for most people, but my save files are mix of replays and i don’t have all the pages anymore. I did try and go back and get the ones i was missing, but for some reason, while I think it saved, when i reloaded the epilogue, i was missing something new. I didn’t have time to investigate. But i’m glad the plat is working for others!

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