Hogwarts Legacy: All 95 Merlin Trials Map & Table List

This is a map of all 95 Merlin Trials. The numbers correspond to the table below the map as well as the video number in the Merlin Trials Playlist on my Youtube Channel: Merlin Trials Playlist

Note that all of these are also listed with region in the Google Workbook.

Hogwarts Legacy Map of All Merlin Trials.

I am unable to control the font size or widths of the columns in WordPress apparently, so it’s best if you copy and paste the table to your own computer where you can size it best.

1 – Trials of MerlinConfringoLight the 3 pyres
2 – Goblin Camp south of Lower HogsfieldAccio or Wingardium LeviosaRoll the balls into the depressions. This is the Cart’s Away Goblin Camp location. There are 2 piles of balls inside the camp and one 1 outside. On the east side.
3 – South of Lower HogsfieldBasicDestroy the 9 orbs. This will be on the map after completing the first one with Nora. Look around and then the last one on the top of the tallest nearby rock.
4 – North Ford Bog EntranceTouch the topsAmongst the ruins. See the columns around the back. Get on a lower box and shoot off all the stacked stones, then jump to the top of all of the columns. If you miss one or touch the ground in any way you have to redo it. You cannot ride the broom on this one.
5 – North Ford BogConfringoDestroy the 5 boulders.
6 – Pitt-Upon-FordTouch the topsYou can either climb/jump across the tops of all of them or ride your broom across as long as you brush the tops.
7 – East North Ford BogDepulso or Wingardium LeviosaJust behind the merchant by the cabin. Look southwest and use revelio to find a circle in the ground. Use a fire spell to remove the overgrowth. Look behind the circle you just cleared with revelio and up to find a large round boulder. Levitate and summon to get it into the circle.
8 – South of Upper HogsfieldConfringoDestroy the 5 boulders.
9 – East Hogsmeade ValleyConfringoLight the 3 pyres. Facing east, there are 2 up on the right. Stand up there b/c you’ll need to destroy a rock wall to clearly get to the one to the far east.
10 – Falbarton Castle WestDepulso or Wingardium LeviosaRoll boulder down the hill.
11 – Falbarton Castle EastLumosMove the moths into the 3 open holed boulders. First of all, to get in, start at the fast travel spot and cross the river. Look for a removeable grate and then climb up into the area. Use Lumos to get the moths to the boulders. For the moths in the climb up area, these moths stay where they were when she puts Lumos away, so you can climb up and still lure them further.
12 – West Forbidden ForestLumosMove the moths into the 3 open holed boulders. Near a Hippogriff Den. In the little covered area are glowy moths. Use lumos to direct it to one the boulder that’s glowy too. Another area needs to be burned by fire before you can get to them. Third – destroy the boulders covering the cave.
13 – Jackdaw’s TombFlipendoFlip the top block so that the symbol, and it’s orientation, matches the one below.
14 – Jackdaw’s Tomb EastConfringoLight the 3 pyres. Be sure to know exactly where they are and the one by the tree needs to have spiderwebs removed. This is the one across from the cave entrance.
15 – Between Jackdaw’s Tomb and Korrow RuinsReparoUse reparo on 4 different statues that fall apart. This is the only one that has 4. The rest all have 3.
16 – Korrow RuinsConfringoLight the 3 pyres. This is just down from the ruins. They’re pretty much equal distance from each other. Two on the other side of the wooden bridge. One is in the front ruins that needs have old vines burned off. Position yourself on the bridge where you can get the furthest one (the single), then move up the bridge and get the two on the other side.
17 – Forbidden ForestBasicDestroy the 9 orbs. This is west of the Forbidden Forest fast travel marker. It’s across the river.
18 – Collector’s CaveLumosMove the moths into the 3 open holed boulders. This is southeast of the cave.
19 – East Hogsmeade StationConfringoLight the 3 pyres. This is just south of the station kinda behind it. One is on the ground on the right behind a short wall. Light them left (by the tracks) to right (short wall) b/c the one on the right will dip the fastest.
20 – North Hogsmeade StationBasicDestroy the 9 orbs. This is just north of the station. Go over the railroad bridge to get to it or ride your broom. Find and destroy the 9 round balls around. Look up and down behind the hill behind it.
21 – West Hogsmeade StationTouch the topsYou can either climb/jump across the tops of all of them or ride your broom across as long as you brush the tops.
22 – South Hogsmeade StationLumosMove the moths into the 3 open holed boulders.
23 – AranshireAccio or Wingardium LeviosaRoll the balls into the depressions. One set is down in front.
24 – South of AranshireLumosMove the moths into the 3 open holed boulders. You have to work your way down the cliff towards the lake to find them all. There’s one above the camp too.
25 – South of AranshireDepulso or Wingardium LeviosaRoll boulder down the hill.
26 – South Exit of the CastleDepulso or Wingardium LeviosaRoll boulder down the hill with depulso or wingardium leviosa. Between the castle and the pumpkin house that’s just before lower hogsfield. Not far from the South Exit.
27 – BrocburrowDepulso or Wingardium LeviosaRoll boulder down the hill.
28 – BrocburrowLumosMove the moths into the 3 open holed boulders.
29 – Central Hogwarts ValleyConfringoDestroy the 5 boulders.
30 – Central Hogwarts ValleyConfringoLight the 3 pyres. They’re along the shore. Do the middle one last b/c it’s already in the ground.
31 – KeenbridgeDepulso or Wingardium LeviosaRight next to the fast travel spot. Behind Fatimah’s shop cart is a large round boulder. Take that across the bridge to the other side.
32 – The Mine’s EyeWingardium LeviosaUse Wingardium leviosa and NOT repel because if you use repel there’s a high probability of the boulder overshooting or going off in the wrong direction.
33 – East South Sea BogConfringoLight the 3 pyres. There’s a short one behind the crates near you. Destroy them first.
34 – North Poidsear CoastBasicDestroy the 9 orbs. Two sets of 3 are down below. You can get them from the Merlin spot.
35 – Inside North Poidsear CoastTouch the topsYou can either climb/jump across the tops of all of them or ride your broom across as long as you brush the tops.
36 – Tower TunnelFlipendoFlip the top block so that the symbol, and it’s orientation, matches the one below.
37 – Tomb of TreacheryConfringoLight the 3 pyres.
38 – West Poidsear CoastLumosMove the moths into the 3 open holed boulders. One boulder is down the rail track.
39 – West Poidsear CoastConfringoDestroy the 5 boulders.
40 – West Poidsear CoastAccio or Wingardium LeviosaRoll the balls into the depressions.
41 – West Poidsear CoastFlipendoFlip the top block so that the symbol, and it’s orientation, matches the one below.
42 – East Poidsear CoastLumosMove the moths into the 3 open holed boulders.
43 – East Poidsear CoastReparoUse reparo on 3 different statues that fall apart. One is up on the hill behind you.
44 – East Poidsear CoastWingardium LeviosaMove the boulder across the gap into its depression slot.
45 – Marunweem BridgeWingardium LeviosaMove the boulder into its depression slot.
46 – Marunweem RuinsLumosMove the moths into the 3 open holed boulders.
47 – MarunweemTouch the topsYou can either climb/jump across the tops of all of them or ride your broom across as long as you brush the tops. I have had the broom work and not work on this one, so if you want to use the broom and it isn’t working, try clearing off the loot bags first and destroying the barrel.
48 – West Manor CapeConfringoLight the 3 pyres.
49 – West Manor CapeFlipendoFlip the top block so that the symbol, and it’s orientation, matches the one below.
50 – West Manor CapeWingarium LeviosaTake the boulder up the hill. Depulso also works, but is a lot more work, lol
51 – West Manor CapeLumosMove the moths into the 3 open holed boulders. There are 2 sets of moths below, one under the tree, the other under the bridge.
52 – West Manor CapeConfringoDestroy the 5 boulders. Note there are Ashwinders and an Infamous Foe here.
53 – South Clagmar CoastReparoUse reparo on 3 different statues that fall apart on rocks in the water.
54 – South Clagmar CoastConfringoDestroy the 5 boulders.
55 – Clagmar CastleBasicDestroy the 9 orbs.
56 – Clagmar CastleFlipendoFlip the top block so that the symbol, and it’s orientation, matches the one below.
57 – CragcroftLumosMove the moths into the 3 open holed boulders.
58 – CragcroftBasicDestroy the 9 orbs.
59 – CragcroftConfringoLight the 3 pyres. All 3 are along the street heading to the south.
60 – CragcroftTouch the topsYou can either climb/jump across the tops of all of them or ride your broom across as long as you brush the tops.
61 – Cragcroft ShoreConfringoDestroy the 5 boulders.
62 – West Hogwarts ValleyConfringoDestroy the 5 boulders.
63 – West Hogwarts ValleyTouch the topsYou can either climb/jump across the tops of all of them or ride your broom across as long as you brush the tops.
64 – North FeldcroftFlipendoFlip the top block so that the symbol, and it’s orientation, matches the one below.
65 – North FeldcroftTouch the topsYou can either climb/jump across the tops of all of them or ride your broom across as long as you brush the tops.
66 – North FeldcroftConfringoDestroy the 5 boulders.
67 – Rockwood CastleConfringoLight the 3 pyres.
68 – Rockwood CastleBasicDestroy the 9 orbs.
69 – Rockwood CastleReparoUse reparo on 3 different statues that fall apart.
70 – South FeldcroftConfringoDestroy the 5 boulders.
71 – South FeldcroftDepulso or Wingardium LeviosaRoll boulder down the hill.
72 – Feldcroft CatacombsConfringoDestroy the 5 boulders. This one is just down from the catacombs and has a treasure chest in a rock alcove behind one of them.
73 – IrondaleBasicDestroy the 9 orbs. 3 near the fast travel spot, 3 behind the merlin spot up on a hill, 3 at the house by the windmill.
74 – San Bakar’s TowerFLipendoFlip the top block so that the symbol, and it’s orientation, matches the one below.
75 – East Hogsmeade ValleyLumosMove the moths into the 3 open holed boulders. Two sort of in front, one by the cages.
76 – Quidditch FieldDepulso or Wingardium LeviosaRoll boulder down the hill. Boulder is on the rock above.
77 – Quidditch FieldLumosMove the moths into the 3 open holed boulders. One set is on the bridge, one set is north and it can go to the boulder up on the cliff by the waterfall, third set is across the stream.
78 – Quidditch FieldConfringoDestroy the 5 boulders.
79 – Lower HogsfieldAccio or Wingardium LeviosaRoll the balls into the depressions. One set right next to you. One set on the Lower Hogsfield side. One set northeast in the grass.
80 – Spires/West Hogwarts ValleyAccio or Wingardium LeviosaRoll balls into the depressions. Technically northwest of West Hogwarts Valley, (and no where near Keensbridge) but you fly over it doing balloons for Madam Kogawa’s Assignment 2 and it has the marker of Keensbridge Tower. One to the south – balls are up on the right behind a breakable rockwall. One depression to the south and up on a rock, balls are across it in the tent. One depression to the east between the spires, balls are up on a rock to its north.
81 – AranshireDepulso or Wingardium LeviosaRoll the boulder down. It’s up the road by the well. Not part of the bandit camp that’s up higher.
82 – BrocburrowTouch the topsYou can either climb/jump across the tops of all of them or ride your broom across as long as you brush the tops.
83 – Keenbridge #2BasicDestroy the 9 orbs. It’s amongst ruins. 3 next to you, 3 up on the ruins behind you, 3 inside the ruins to the side where most like ashwinders are.
84 – Keenbridge #2LumosMove the moths into the 3 open holed boulders. One set is under the bridge. Go to the far side and you should be able to draw them.
85 – Keenbridge #2ConfringoDestroy the 5 boulders.
86 – Keenbridge #2Touch the topsYou can either climb/jump across the tops of all of them or ride your broom across as long as you brush the tops.
87 – Northern South Sea BogReparoUse reparo on 3 different statues that fall apart. One between the tents.
88 – Northern South Sea BogLumosMove the moths into the 3 open holed boulders. One set is behind the really big tree to the south. Another set is behind the boulder to the east.
89 – Feldcroft CatacombsBasicDestroy the 9 orbs.
90 – Feldcroft CatacombsLumosMove the moths into the 3 open holed boulders. One is high up on a cliff to the west? One down the path. And one up on a high cliff again. No fall damage.
91 – Irondale #2ConfringoLight the 3 pyres.
92 – Marunweem LakeDepulso and Wingardium LeviosaUse depulso on the spinny thing to open the door and then wingardium leviosa on the boulder to bring it out and put it in its depression.
93 – Clagmar Castle #2Lumos and DepulsoMove the moths into the 3 open holed boulders. You’ll need to use depulso on the spinny thing to be able to use the elevator. Gather all of the moths at one time, stand as close to the elevator as you can, use depulso to lower the elevator, switch back to lumos and get on. They should all come with you.
94 – Irondale WestConfringoDestroy the 5 boulders.
95 – Rockwood castle WestTouch the topsYou can either climb/jump across the tops of all of them or ride your broom across as long as you brush the tops.