When we play as Ashley in Chapter 9, she picks up a key ring with 4 keys on it. This post will tell you what to use all 4 keys on.
Key 1 – Mausoleum. Emerald.
Key 2 – Library Treasure Chest. Elegant Perfume Bottle.
Key 3 – Elevator
Key 4 – Emblem/Exit room. Sapphire.
When you play as Ashley, when she’s in the library, there’s a pedestal for you to set the lantern on, which will reveal a hidden spot where she can crank down a set of stairs. Head upstairs for the keys.

The first place you can use the keys is right there in the library on the treasure hidden in the stacks. Use key #2.

Then she’ll head to what I call the Emblem room, because that’s where she’ll put the emblem. In this room is another treasure chest. Use key #4.

The final place to use the keys is in the Mausoleum when she’s on her way to get the Salazar Family Emblem. Use key #1.

When you regain control of Leon in Chapter 10, the loot can be found on the floor by the relief door.