RE4R: Chapter 4’s Hexagonal Puzzle

This is a video that shows HOW to solve the puzzle in case you were like me and just fiddled with it for a bunch at first, not realizing you can solve it in just a couple of steps if you do it right from the start, and now it’s all messed up and you don’t know what to do next and you can’t reset it and you saved waaaaaaaaaay too long ago to want to reload, but you want that treasure!!

The basic premise, is that the puzzle is split into 3 groups of pieces: top, bottom left, and bottom right. What you want to do, is to pick one of the 3 groups and work to get just the two outside pieces in place. Ignore the middle piece. Get the two outer pieces next to each other, and in their proper location, however many turns you need to do it. Don’t worry about any of the other pieces.

Once those two are in place, ignore them. Don’t touch them again. Move on to one of the remaining two groups and do the same thing: work on getting the outer two in proper order. When you get the second group, the final pieces should be one or two turns away of completing it.