RE4R Request: Chapter 12 The Disgrace of the Salazar Family

At the start of Chapter 12 you’re back upstairs. There is a notice to Disgrace the Salazar Family on the wall by the Gondola that you ride to the Clock Tower.

The Merchant asks you to throw something at the Portrait of Ramon found in the Throne room. When you get there, you’ll notice there are now chickens running around and at least one of them was good enough to lay an egg for you. Throw an egg at his portrait to complete the request. You can find it to the left of the throne.

The wall down from the Merchant holds two requests. This one and the Jewel Thief one.

Resident evil 4 Merchant Request poster locations.
This is the room you enter when rising from the Depths. It’s off the Ballroom.

Resident evil 4 Merchant Request Disgrace of the Salazar Family.

This is the throne room

Resident evil 4 Merchant Request Disgrace of the Salazar Family.

His portrait is on the wall to the left of the throne.

Resident evil 4 Merchant Request Disgrace of the Salazar Family.