RE4R Request: Chapter 14 Medallions #5

In Chapter 14, Cargo Depot, there are 5 Medallions at the start of the chapter. You can get 5 Spinels for shooting them down.

  1. East – Stand at the top of the stairs and look down into the area to the east that is on the other side of the fence. You can also see it from the barbed wire fence.
  2. Above the entrance door – Enter the Cargo Depot, walk to the stairs, turn around and look above the door a couple of stories.
  3. Northwest corner – After dropping down the ladder into the west half, go to the west side, turn around and look back east.
  4. South – From the northwest corner, head south to the middle. It’s on the east side of the two containers in that area.
  5. Southwest – In the southwest corner, look up. It’s hanging from one of the levels on a taller thing to the south.

The request note location for this one can be found on the wall heading into see the Merchant.

Medallion Request #5 Note Location

Medallion #1 – Go up the steps and turn left. It’s past the fence.

Medallion #2 – From the same position as #1, look up.

Medallion #3 – This is in the northwest corner.

Medallion #4 – this one in on the containers in the south.

Medallion #5 – on the stairs leading inside, look up to the southwest.