System Shock – Google Workbook

This is the link to the Google Workbook for System Shock. So far, there isn’t a lot in it – Access card locations, Hardware Locations, Power Recharge Locations, etc. Will probably add more as I go.

System Shock Google Workbook

If you cannot access it, please leave a comment! It means I have to change the settings. Thanks. 🙂


  • Version Sheet
  • Power Recharge & Surgery – Locations of the Power Recharge & Surgery Stations I’ve found so far in the game.
  • Access Cards & Elevators – Location of the Access Cards & Elevators that I’ve found so far.
  • Mod-Kit Stations – Location of the Mod-Kit Stations I’ve found so far.
  • Hardware – Location of Hardware I’ve found so far.
  • Audio Logs & Data Sticks – all data sticks and audio files i’ve found so far.
  • Trophy List – Easy copy/past list of trophies and minor notes i’ve made on when they’re awarded.

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