Under the Waves – How to Repair/Refuel Moon

In order to repair or refuel the Moon Submarine, you need a repair kit or a fuel unit. You can find them around the map or you can craft one. The crafting blueprint for both are part of the 3 you get on day one, during the Crafting Table mission.

You have to be INSIDE the Moon to repair it or refill the fuel.

Season: How to fill out the Journal

Full video below.

There is one Journal Page for each of the locations/rituals/questions in the game.
Some locations have additional questions and those will have a separate page, even if they’re associated with a location.

Take photos, record audio, and collect items to add to your journal page. Each of these you collect will automatically be added to the KEEPSAKES specific to that page.

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TLOU2: How to Beat the Rat King on Grounded Starting With Zero Ammo

This is just a fun little video that I made after seeing people talk about saving ammo from Abby Day 2 Overlook and prior so they had enough for the Rat King and Little Shit. I’m assuming this is because Naughty Dog doesn’t want people to get soft-locked down here, but ammo continually spawns regardless of difficulty.

The video shows me starting with no ammo and no pipe bombs and points out 6 different spawn points for ammo within the level and how it’ll keep coming over time. The biggest take-away from this is to keep moving.

  • Yellow Hallway Left Room – hunting pistol & flame thrower
  • Yellow Hallway Right Room – assault rifle & flamethrower on left, shotgun on right
  • Main Room – pistol along the side wall
  • Left Room off Main – assault rifle on gurney
  • Back of the Main Room – hunting pistol & flamethrower on the wall
  • Small Room near Exit – shotgun