System Shock – Audio Files/Logs & Data Sticks

This post is for the Audio Logs & Data Sticks in System Shock Remake. The Inside Scoop Trophy is awarded for finding them all. While this post lists the numbers I’ve found per level, this Google Workbook lists them in detail with name, speaker, level, quadrant, and location detail.

Reactor – 1 data stick, 9 audio files.
Medical – 4 data sticks, 17 audio files.
Research – 5 data sticks, 19 audio files.
Maintenance – 12 audio files.
Storage – 13 audio files
Flight Deck – 13 audio files
Executive – 3 data sticks, 13 audio files
Engineering – 10 audio files
Security – 13 audio files
Bridge – 0 audio files

Totals: 13 data sticks, 119 audio files.

System Shock – Energy Recharge Station Locations

This post lists all of the blue Energy Recharge Stations I’ve found in the game. It is a work in progress as I make my way through the game. I’ll add more when I find them.

Medical – 3
Research – 3
Reactor – 1
Maintenance – 2
Storage – 2
Flight Deck – 2
Groves – 2
Executive – 3
Engineering – 3
Security – 4
Bridge – 2

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