Encrypted vaults are the standing casket like looking things in the game that you can find by using your ecive (on Playstation it’s the R3 button). They give an audio cue when your descendant scans the world when facing in their direction. The encrypted vaults in Agna Desert drop Mixed Energy Residue which is used in the crafting of crystallization catalysts. In order to open a vault you’ll need to have looted a Code/Precision Code/Ultra-Precision Code Analyzer. These can be found on enemies in the Call of the Descendant missions in each region. Note that not all encrypted vaults will spawn every time. This list will be updated if I find more. If you find a hologram that’s not on my list and want to leave it in a comment, I’ll add it and credit you. 🙂
Vermilion Waste – 4 vaults
The Remnant – 5 vaults
The Storage – 3 vaults
The Mining Site – 3 vaults
Miragestone – 3 vaults
Also, you don’t need to know where the green hologram is to find them, but I’ve included them in the photos below (where i saw one) for help in directions and getting your bearings. Also, if you’ve found a green hologram and can’t find the corresponding vault, that will help you narrow down the vault below.
You can see all vaults that I’ve found so far listed out in the google workbook as well if you just want a basic list with no pictures. See here.
Vermilion Waste Encrypted Vaults
So far I’ve found 4 encrypted vaults in Vermilion Waste.

1. This hologram is found by the Rock Cave Base mission marker. If the vault spawned in, it’ll be to the right, back towards the front of the large behind it.

2. The second one is just sort of out in the open, northwest of the Baggage Transport Base mission marker.

3. The third vault can be found in the cave in the southwest, behind the Surveillance Location battleground area if it spawned in.

4. The fourth vault can be found just south from the outpost in a hole in the ground.

The Remnant Encrypted Vaults
I’ve found 5 encrypted vaults in The Remnant area so far.

1. If the first one spawns in, it’ll be in the house just in front of the Outpost.

2. The second one is on the west side in a room that one of the metal tunnels leads to.

3. The third one is also on the west side. There’s a little building somewhat hidden in the northwest corner. Grapple up into that and turn around.

4. The fourth one is either in the basement of one of the buildings that’s just north of the REM in Remnant on the map or in an upper room. The second picture is where it will spawn if it does in the basement, it just wasn’t there at the time.

5. For the 5th vault, head up to the northern most upper point and find a cave that heads off the map. It’s back there. If it’s not by the tree, check around the corner.

The Storage Encrypted Vaults
So far I’ve found 3 holograms and 2 vaults in the Storage. Will update the photo for the missing one when it spawns in for me.

1. For the first vault, I had assumed the vault would be on the ground, maybe around the corner but nothing has ever spawned there for me (yet). However, there was a pretty close one up on one of the arms of the center piece, so be sure to check there too.

2. The second one is on the central collection metal thing. I’ve seen it 3 different places so far and I have pictures for two of them. Take the side pieces up to get up in there.

3. The last one is on the cliff side, by the Kuiper Depot battleground area.

The Mining Site Encrypted Vaults
So far I’ve found 3 holograms in the Mining Site and 2 vaults. Will update the missing one when it spawns in for me.

1. The first vault in the Mining Site can be found up the north pathway, past the Electric Void Fragment mission. If the vault spawns in, it’ll be on the cliff side.

2. The second hologram is next to the Ossuary mission marker. For me, the vault spawned in on one of the platforms above the upper seizure site. There’s an echo up there too – Ancient Ruins #11, Battle with Karel.

3. The third vault is up by the Excavation Team Directional Radar Battleground. Near the orange surveillance tower at the south end is a ramp down to a lower level. It’s down there.

Miragestone Encrypted Vaults
I’ve found 3 encrypted vaults in the Miragestone area.

1. The first vault in the Miragestone area can be found by the northern tactical transporter. The vault is down a level from the hologram.

2. The second vault can also be found along the cliff edge, but farther south. You can’t see the vault from the edge, but you can see a little lip below that you can safely drop to.

3. The third is up on the big floating island where the Red Sphere mission ends. When it showed up for me, it was available through the middle of the rock. You can’t reach it from the top.