The First Descendant – Amorphous Material Pattern Locations & Uses

Sortable list of where to find them, what they offer, and which Reconstructed Device to use

This post is a link to the Google Workbook that I’m working on that has a sheet dedicated to the Amorphous Material Pattern Locations, where to get them, what blueprints are associated with them, which Reconstructed Device to use, and what their item % breakdown is. It’s not complete, but i’m adding to it as I continue the game. There are other sheets in the google workbook as well, including all of the modules found in the game and their information, weapons list, missions list, all of the award rewards, etc.

If you want to look more at the patterns I have not yet gotten to, you can see them all in the game in Access Info — Amorphous Material.

Link to the google workbook here.