Encrypted vaults are the standing casket like looking things in the game that you can find by using your ecive (on Playstation it’s the R3 button). They give an audio cue when your descendant scans the world when facing in their direction. The encrypted vaults in Echo Swamp drop Thermal Metallic Foil which is used in the crafting of Enduring Legacy Polymer Synctium, Jayber Spiral Catalyst, The Final Masterpiece Polymer Syncytium, and Ultimate Gley Enhanced Cells. In order to open a vault you’ll need to have looted a Code/Precision Code/Ultra-Precision Code Analyzer. These can be found on enemies in the Call of the Descendant missions in each region. Note that not all encrypted vaults will spawn every time. This list will be updated if I find more. If you find a hologram that’s not on my list and want to leave it in a comment, I’ll add it and credit you. 🙂
Misty Woods – 2 vaults
Abandoned Zone – 4 vaults
Derelict Covert – 4 vaults
Muskeg Swamp – 3 vaults
Also, you don’t need to know where the green hologram is to find them, but I’ve included them in the photos below (where i saw one) for help in directions and getting your bearings. Also, if you’ve found a green hologram and can’t find the corresponding vault, that will help you narrow down the vault below.
You can see all vaults that I’ve found so far listed out in the google workbook as well if you just want a basic list with no pictures. See here.
Misty Woods Encrypted Vaults
I have found 2 vaults in Misty Woods so far, but due to the positioning of one of the holograms, I really feel like there might be 3. The hologram (green circle on the map) that’s southwest of #1 is literally directly underneath the rock that the #1 vault is on, so I’m having a hard time believing it belongs to the vault along the southern border. But we’ll see. So far I’ve found 2.

1. The first vault is on top of one of the rocks, buried under tree debris.

2. The second one is along the southern border, hiding behind a tree.

Abandoned Zone Encrypted Vaults
So far, I’ve found a potential 4 encrypted vaults in the Abandoned Zone.

1. The first one can be found on the metal walkways north of the Toxic Void Fragment mission. The vault will either be up on the top of one of the large round things or under the metal walkway. Don’t worry too much if it’s underneath, there’s a metal grate to walk one once you get through the toxic stuff.

2. The second one is over by the Seed Vault mission marker. The vault is either in a cave off the water or by the structure next to what the hologram is on.

3. The last one is on the metal framing over the water. The hologram is on the upper bit. If you open the map you’ll see two connecting round pieces on the northeast side of the metal structure. The vault will be found on the top of the northwest one of the pair. The second picture is looking down to the top of it from where the hologram is found.

4. The fourth one can be found in the underground tunnels where the Environment Contamination Zone battleground is.

Derelict Covert Encrypted Vaults
So far I’ve found 4 holograms and 3 locations for vaults. I’ll update the overall map when I finally pin down the 3rd one.

1. The first one is in one of the tree houses in the north. If you open the map and look in the north, you’ll see 4 trees that sort of form a semi-upside down L. This is on the tree house that’s connected by walkway from the tree house in the middle of the long L line.

2. The second one is amongst the Verdant Greenery battlefield area. There’s an opening under the horizontal grate like thing. It’s in there.

3. This one has a hologram down the grassy hill from the Chapel to the north. To the left of the hologram are a couple of arch entryways. The vault can be found in a tunnel back in here.

4. The fourth vault can be found in the Chapel area. I’ve seen a vault in two different places. Either to the right of the hologram (first picture) or up in the upper levels.

Muskeg Swamp Encrypted Vaults
So far I’ve found 3 holograms and 2 vaults in Muskeg Swamp.

1. For the first one, the hologram is behind a barrier near the VSO. The vault can be found on one of the upper areas along the water line if it spawned in.

2. The second one can be found in a tunnel north of the Tree of Truth. The ramp down from the B seizure is right at its opening.

3. The third one is also at the Tree of Truth. For this one, the vault can move around a lot. It can be found either down a tunnel off of the VFR area, or around the VFR itself in a few different places. Sorry the pictures are dark, no real light down there.

These are hard to see, sorry, but you can kind of see the VFR orange frame in each of them. The vaults are often around that not too far away.