Encrypted vaults are the standing casket like looking things in the game that you can find by using your ecive (on Playstation it’s the R3 button). They’re often near the green holograms you see in the world. They give an audio cue when your descendant scans the world when facing in their direction. The encrypted vaults in Vespers drop Conductive Metallic Foil which is used in the crafting of Energy Activators and the Python Submachine Gun. In order to open a vault you’ll need to have looted a Code/Precision Code/Ultra-Precision Code Analyzer. These can be found on enemies in the Call of the Descendant missions in each region. Note that not all encrypted vaults will spawn every time. In Vespers, I was seeing maybe 2-3 encrypted vaults in each area at one time. This list will be updated if I find more. If you find a hologram that’s not on my list and want to leave it in a comment, I’ll add it and credit you. 🙂
The Lumber Yard – 4 vaults
The Ruins – 10 vaults
Lost Supply Depot – 5 vaults
Moonlight Lake – 4 vaults
Timberfall – 6 vaults
Also, you don’t need to know where the green hologram is to find them, but I’ve included them in the photos below (where i saw one) for help in directions and getting your bearings. Also, if you’ve found a green hologram and can’t find the corresponding vault, that will help you narrow down the vault below.
You can see all vaults that I’ve found so far listed out in the google workbook as well if you just want a basic list with no pictures. See here.
The Lumber Yard Encrypted Vaults

1. The first encrypted vault in The Lumber Yard is up the east boundary line. The marker is just before the cave and the vault is by a wooden shack on the path to the south of the marker.

2. The next one is inside the northeast cave. I’ve been back a bunch and it’s never here again so the “here” picture is technically empty, but this is the spot.

3. The third one is north of the Frontline Base battleground area, not the marker for the mission. The vault for this one can be in two different places in the rocks above if it spawned at all. It can be on the rocks to the south with the VSO in the background, or it can be on the grassy bit between the rocks to the south and the rock to the north.

4. The last vault I found in this area is along the west boundary, amongst the Collapsed Piers collection area. The vault is along the map line. Grapple up one level to find it.

The Ruins Encrypted Vaults
I’ve found 10 potential vaults in the Ruins so far. The #2 one is missing from the map because while I’ve found the marker for it, I haven’t found any vaults close enough to it to make me think it belongs to that one.

1. This first one is in the ruins just above the starting Outpost. The hologram for it is in the little ruins building north of the Outpost.

2. The second one is just a marker so far. None of the vaults that I’ve found so far seem close enough to be the one this one is referencing, though there are quite a few east of here.

3. The third one’s marker is on the stone steps in the middle north. Northwest of the Destroyed Temple marker. The vault for this one is east of the marker. The easiest way to find it is to go to the VFR on the north, walk south and look right (west) until you see the arches in the second picture. It’s in there, in the room to the left of the orange surveillance tower.

4 & 5 – these are both on the far east side amongst the ruins. One is potentially up on the top of the white square ruins and one is potentially on the metal framing against the cliffside.

6. The 6th vault is under the ruined buildings just south of the Ruins Underground Entrance marker.

7. The seventh one can be found behind the hill on the lower southwest side. I forgot to take the picture when the vault was there, but this is where it’ll be if it spawned in with you.

8. The marker for 8 and the vault for 8 are both in the same ruins, just to the west of the steps heading south.

9. I didn’t see a marker for the 9th vault, but it’s just in front of the steps to the south as well, but on the other side from #8, in the remains of a half circle piece.

10. The last one I found is north of #9, near the surveillance tower. I didn’t see a hologram for this one either.

Lost Supply Depot Encrypted Vaults
I’ve found 5 encrypted vaults so far in the Lost Supply Depot area. I still haven’t found the 2nd one, but the hologram marker is here.

1. The first one is up next to the Sepulcher marker. If it’s there, it’ll be in the bushes not far from the marker.

2. The second one has only spawned in for me once in over two dozen attempts to find it, so don’t expect this one to show up. 🙂 The hologram is next to the orange surveillance tower in the Captured Base area near the Outpost. The vault will be found behind it up on the rocks next to the building along the cliff face.

3. The third one is amongst the Abandoned Village battleground area. The hologram is a bit hard to find (not that you need it), but if you can find the surrounding wall that’s north of the Abandoned Village it’s behind the barrier. You can see the 3-sided room that the vault is in from here as well.

4. The fourth one is north of the Abandoned Village on the path. The marker is across from the colossus scaffolding and the vault is amongst the wooden ruins along the path.

5 & 6. The last one i found is up by the Void Fusion Reactor. The vault is either in the treeline to the north next to the orange surveillance tower or in the treeline to the south in the hills above the Void Fusion Reactor.

Moonlight Lake Encrypted Vaults
So far, I’ve found 4 encrypted vaults in Moonlight Lake.

1. The first one is right on the lake. In over two dozen checks for this one, it’s only spawned once for me, so I couldn’t get a photo of the vault because it never showed up again. But it’s in the trees up the ramp.

2. The second hologram is next to the Old Surveillance Station buildings. The vault for this one is south of the hologram, up over the hill.

3. The third one is in a cave that’s just south of the Old Surveillance Station mission marker. Follow the cave through to the end to the find the vault. You’ll need to jump across to a ledge and then back to another tunnel to get there.

4. The fourth vault that I found is just west of the Void Fusion Reactor. The VFR is on top of a large rock. This is on the west side of that rock. I haven’t found a hologram for this one yet but there are a lot of little paths in this area.

Timberfall Encrypted Vaults
I have found 6 vaults in Timberfall.

1 & 2 – The first two are potentially found together. In the southwest path you have a potential for two to spawn right next to each other at the south end of the river.

3. The third vault is also in the southwest corner. For this one, turn right at the waterfall instead of left. Then get behind the waterfall on the right and take the path back to this vault.

4. If the fourth vault is there, it’ll be either on top of or in front of one of the metal structures on the south side of the tree.

5. The fifth vault is on a metal platform attached to the tree. The easiest way to find it is to find the large fallen hollow tree trunk on the south side of the tree, grapple to the top of it, and look northeast. You can see the trunk in the picture. I didn’t see a hologram for this one.

6. The last vault was also by the fallen tree trunk. It can be found on the tree’s west side. Sometimes it’s not as far down near the end of the fallen trunk as it is in the picture.