Under the Waves – Day 14

Text and video walkthroughs for missions from Day 14.

Check Life Module

Craft two repair kits and repair the two supports outside holding up the Life Module.

Recover Geological Data

I found this one pretty difficult as I couldn’t find the probe locations easily. I tried to be pretty specific in the video, but i’m putting the coordinates and detailed information here as well. You’ll also get the Diver Boost and Flare blueprints at the East Probe location.

West Probe
This one is just down from the Life Module. Head to 1804x-648 and face east while being around the same depth as the Life Module (which you can still see from your position). You should be facing a cliff wall. Look for a bunch of tall seaweed looking stuff blocking an opening. The moon won’t fit, but it’s not too far of a swim in.

East Probe
This one was much harder. Head over to 1624×644, which is WAAAAAY east of the marker on the map. Find the UniTrench Outpost which should be below you in the ground. The Alpha Site Entrance should be in a cliff face. Make sure it’s behind and above you (be closer to the ground). Then look southwest-ish and run the scan. You should see an opening in the rocks in front of you. The Diver Boost blueprint is at the east entrance we start at, the Flare blueprint is as the west exit. The Flare one is very helpful because it’ll help keep the future swarms at bay!


Enter the refinery from the opposite side where Tim tells you to park. Then, to shut down the 3 turbines, interact with the monitor at each one and you’ll be shown where the corresponding green lights need to be after cranking the valve.

So the monitor will show you the picture on the right and the 3 sections tell you where the lights need to end up. So in the picture:
1 – bottom
2 – top
3 – top

So when you crank the valve, don’t stop until the lights match the monitor.

Turbine #1 – middle, bottom, top
Turbine #2 – middle, top, middle
Turbine #3 – bottom, top, top

After the three turbines, swim to the top and interact with the Cooling System. You have to break through the gated door behind to interact with some levers to get it to work.

Then swim below the elevator to get to the basement. In the cutscene, just interact with the teddy bear.

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