Unknown 9 Awakening: Collectibles Google Workbook

This post is a link to the Google Workbook for Unknown 9: Awakening. It has the skill trees, list of the trophies, and then all of the collectibles, by chapter, in the order in which they appear. So you can follow along.

Google workbook is here. If you cannot access it, please leave a comment because it means the settings aren’t correct and no one can get in.

2 thoughts on “Unknown 9 Awakening: Collectibles Google Workbook”

  1. Tree of life #7 is the only collectible that requires you to do something in a previous chapter.

    In chapter 7’s fold section, you will reach different bridges that you have to create. There is one hidden bridge you can create that you can’t walk on. It’s near one of the bridges you have to cross. I don’t remember which one, so look around each area for a button prompt other than the main path.

    After doing this, replay chapter 12 and, once you reach the area where you see a lot of Haroonas in the distance, you should feel the controller vibrating to tell you that you’re close to the Tree of Life. Because you created the bridge in chapter 7, you can now walk on a wall nearby in chapter 12. The item will appear at the end of the path.

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