This post has a list and a map of all 14 Astronomy table locations.
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Check out the Archive Page for a quick and dirty clean list of all posts. Might be easier to find stuff.
Hogwarts Legacy: Google Workbook
This post is just a link to the Google Workbook for Hogwarts Legacy. Completed lists of field guide items, Merlin Trials, Landing Platforms, Astronomy Tables, Daedalian keys, Demiguise Locations, etc.
Hogwarts Legacy Google Workbook
The google workbook contains:
- Version Info – This sheet details the contact information, version information, publish dates, etc for this workbook.
- Field Guide Pages – All Field Guide pages in the game.
- Collection Chests – All collection chest locations.
- Conjurations – All conjurations.
- Wand Handles – All wand handles.
- Merlin Trials – All trials, locations, and spells to use.
- Traits – All Traits, how to get them, and what they need for upgrades.
- Spells – All the spells in the game and where you get them from.
- Challenges – All of the challenges in the game and their rewards
- Landing Platforms – All Landing Platform locations
- Astronomy Tables – All Astronomy Table locations
- Butterfly Locations – All 15 Butterfly locations
- Daedalian Keys – List of all Keys and where they are.
- Demiguise Statues – All Demiguise Statue locations.
- Talents – All the Talents in the game
- Quests List – List of all quests in the game
- Finishing Touches – List of all enemies for the Finishing Touches trophy
- Trophies – List of all trophies
Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora Kame’tire Dolls, Dark Theatre Quest
This post has a map of the location of all 9 Kame’tire dolls as well as individual pictures for each of them for the Doll Collector Trophy.

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora All Data Collector Sites
This page has a map of all 9 Data Collector site locations for the Data Retriever Trophy along with a list of each data collector at each site and a link to a video for each site.

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora 35+ Body, Face Paint, and/or New Color Locations
I have currently found 30 mural locations and 11 story/side quests (with the help of commenters!) that will give you either face or body paint styles or a new color. I’m sure there are more, but this is what I’ve found so far. I will update to add more as I find them. What you find are paint styles, not paint colors. I’ve tried to include an example of each one based on the colors I thought showed it off the best. If you find any that aren’t on the list let me know and I’ll add it! Thanks. 🙂
These can be applied at any Changing Station. At the Kinglor Forest HQ this is down in the cave on the right. In Hometree this is up the ramp and left into the commons. At the Circle, this is in the Council Tent. At the Hollows it’s up the ramp to the right. And at the new HQ, it’s in the central area after it gets its Na’vi Style. Not sure if/where it was at first.
read moreAvatar: Frontiers of Pandora All Budding Watcher Locations Map
You can get the Mushroom Navigator trophy for doing 10 Budding Watchers, but as far as I can tell they want us to do one twice, since there are only 9 that I can find. They are re-doable, so that’s not an issue.

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora Bladewing Trail Maps
This is for the Fleet-Footed Trophy. Here is a list and map of each of the Bladewing Trails in Kinglor Forest, Upper Plains and Clouded Forest. Note that I did not get the trophy until they were all completed on the same save file.
read moreAvatar: Frontiers of Pandora Memory Paintings and Sarentu Totem Maps
This page has one map for each of the three big regions, marking Memory Painting and Sarentu Totem locations. It’s good for the Vision of the Ancestors (Sarentu Totem) Trophy.
read moreAvatar: Frontiers of Pandora Bellsprig and Tarsyu Sapling Maps
This post can be used for the Sprouting Potential and Full Bloom Trophies. It includes maps of all three regions and all of the Bellsprig and Tarsyu Saplings I’ve found. Note that during Rising Pressure, there is 1 Bellsprig that shows up that isn’t usually there. It’s noted with a green circle.
read moreAvatar: Frontiers of Pandora Kite Collectibles Map, Video, and List
This map shows the locations of the 9 kites that you collect during The Wind Will Cary Us quest and the Tethered Kites trophy. You can get the quest from Fa’zak at The Circle. The numbers correspond to both the table at the end of the post and the order they were gotten during the video. Pictures of each kite can be found at the bottom under the list.
Map of Kite Locations